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Basic syntax and snippet support for the Ebitengine Kage shading language.

ebitengine-kage-support Ebitengine Kage support for Visual Studio Code

Basic syntax and snippet support for the Ebitengine Kage shading language.

Ebitengine adopts an original shading language 'Kage'. This has a compatible syntax with Go, but the details are different. Kage has high portability. Ebitengine uses graphics libraries like OpenGL or Metal and this depends on environments, but Kage is compiled on the fly so that this works equally everywhere.


Manual installation

Install vsce from npm.

npm install --global vsce

Package extension in .vsix archive.

vsce package

Run this command to install package from .vsix, replace ebitengine-kage.vsix with your path.

code --install-extension ebitengine-kage.vsix

Other editors


  • Basic syntax highlighting
  • Quick start
  • Short documentation
  • List of all built-in functions

Basic syntax highlighting

back This plugin provides basic Kage language support for Ebitengine. It includes keywords, types, literals and snippets.


Quick start

back To quickly start writing a shader, you can type "fragment" or "package".


Short documentation

back The plugin provides a short help for each feature in Kage.


List of all built-in functions

back You can see a list of all built-in functions by typing "kage".


Known Issues

The plugin will highlight complex numbers despite the fact that, at the moment, Kage does not support them.