Leon Bambrick

Results 26 issues of Leon Bambrick

Related to #4 ... Example: If someone: 1. unzipped a compliant `.csvz` file, to a folder “MyData” 2. Ran tar -z “MyData” (Todo: correct syntax here to specify output name...

help wanted

very very rough draft of https://github.com/secretGeek/csvs has been created. it interoperates with this standard, so link/mention it.

... and for each suggestion create a todo lower in the file or an issue I. Here or specify it further down

Notes on how to encode: Binary data (hint base64) Datetime Boolean (true/false) Date Time String Etc

see https://github.com/secretGeek/csvz#a-list-of-csvz-compliant-tools-and-libraries -- perhaps add to list

https://fsturmat.net/blog/04202022/ Entirely unrelated — but worth mentioning due to its awesomeness and the overlap in interest for any readers here.