SEC-XBRL-Financial-Statement-Dataset copied to clipboard produced this dataset with the text and detailed numeric information of all financial statements. The Dataset is extracted from corporate annual and quarterly reports filed with the SE...
SEC XBRL Financial Statement Dataset
Dataset Producer created dataset, and updated it regularly for the community.
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XBRL Filings Included
All Annual and Quarterly Reports in XBRL filed to SEC on or before 2020-09-30.
Optimized for Athena and Redshift Spectrum Access
The SEC Financial Statement Dataset provides the text and detailed numeric information of all financial statements. The Dataset is extracted from corporate annual and quarterly reports filed with the SEC using XBRL since January 2009.
The data sets have been optimized in both table structures and storage format to be used specifically in AWS big data eco-system. evaluated multiple cloud platforms, and found that Athena, Redshift, and Glue really unleash our productivities.
How large is the dataset
As of August 31, 2019, the dataset covers:
- All XBRL filings since 2009.
- 12.6k companies.
- 239.7k annual and quarterly reports.
- 192.5 million data points.
- 20GB+ compressed in Parquet.
How to access the dataset via RStudio
Redwall Analytics published two articles that will be very helpful if you use the RStudio:
Learning SQL and Exploring XBRL with - Part 1
Finding the Dimensions of from 2010-2020 - Part 2
How to access the dataset via Athena
1. Signing in your AWS Account, and go to Athena Query Editor page.
2. Go to sql folder, and copy the content in sec_financial_statements.sql file to Query Editor window, and click Run query to create the Athena Database sec_financial_statements:
CREATE DATABASE sec_financial_statements;
3. In the same way, copy the contents from the following table scripts, and run them one by one.
All set! You can now proceed to next section to explore the data.
4. Refresh the dataset tables will refresh the dataset periodically. The refreshed dataset will be in the new location like this: s3://
when new datasets are available, you can run the code as in the following script to switch the tables to the latest datasets: sec_financial_statements.alter_table_locations_to_latest_data.sql
Table Contents
1. company_submission
The submissions data set contains summary information about an entire EDGAR submission. Some fields were sourced directly from EDGAR submission information, while other fields of data were sourced from the XBRL submission. Description of each field can be foud in the table schema file.
Let's use filings for CHEVRON CORP as example, let's find all the Annual Reports for Chevron in this dataset:
FROM sec_financial_statements.company_submission
WHERE company_name LIKE '%CHEVRON%'
AND document_type = '10-K'
ORDER BY filing_date DESC
There are 10 Annual Reports filed to SEC from 2010-02-25 to 2019-02-22
accession_number_int|accession_number |cik |company_name|filing_date|document_type|document_period_end_date|current_fiscal_year_end_date|document_fiscal_year_focus|document_fiscal_period_focus|current_fiscal_year_end_month|amendment_flag|assigned_sic|irs_number|state_of_incorporation|mailing_address_street1 |mailing_address_street2|mailing_address_city|mailing_address_state|mailing_address_zip|business_address_street1 |business_address_street2|business_address_city|business_address_state|business_address_zip|mailing_phone_number|business_phone_number|
9341019000008|0000093410-19-000008|93410|CHEVRON CORP| 2019-02-22|10-K | 2018-12-31|--12-31 | 2018|FY | 12|false | 2911|940890210 |DE |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 | |925-842-1000 |
9341018000010|0000093410-18-000010|93410|CHEVRON CORP| 2018-02-22|10-K | 2017-12-31|--12-31 | 2017|FY | 12|false | 2911|940890210 |DE |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 | |925-842-1000 |
9341017000013|0000093410-17-000013|93410|CHEVRON CORP| 2017-02-23|10-K | 2016-12-31|--12-31 | 2016|FY | 12|false | 2911|940890210 |DE |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 | |925-842-2815 |
9341016000049|0000093410-16-000049|93410|CHEVRON CORP| 2016-02-25|10-K | 2015-12-31|--12-31 | 2015|FY | 12|false | 2911|940890210 |DE |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 | |925-842-1000 |
9341015000010|0000093410-15-000010|93410|CHEVRON CORP| 2015-02-20|10-K | 2014-12-31|--12-31 | 2014|FY | 12|false | 2911|940890210 |DE |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 | |925-842-1000 |
9341014000011|0000093410-14-000011|93410|CHEVRON CORP| 2014-02-21|10-K | 2013-12-31|--12-31 | 2013|FY | 12|false | 2911|940890210 |DE |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 | |925-842-1000 |
9341013000003|0000093410-13-000003|93410|CHEVRON CORP| 2013-02-22|10-K | 2012-12-31|--12-31 | 2012|FY | 12|false | 2911|940890210 |DE |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 | |925-842-1000 |
95012312002976|0000950123-12-002976|93410|CHEVRON CORP| 2012-02-23|10-K | 2011-12-31|--12-31 | 2011|FY | 12|false | 2911|940890210 |DE |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 | |925-842-1000 |
95012311017688|0000950123-11-017688|93410|CHEVRON CORP| 2011-02-24|10-K | 2010-12-31|--12-31 | 2010|FY | 12|false | 2911|940890210 |DE |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 | |925-842-1000 |
95012310016846|0000950123-10-016846|93410|CHEVRON CORP| 2010-02-25|10-K | 2009-12-31|--12-31 | | | 12|false | 2911|940890210 |DE |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 |6001 BOLLINGER CANYON ROAD| |SAN RAMON |CA |94583 | |925-842-1000 |
When we navigate the filings at, we can confirm all the Annual Reports before year 2010 are not in XBRL format, and thus not covered by this data set.
2. report_presentation_section
This table contains all the sections within a given report. For example, for the Annual Reported filed on 2019-02-22, the accession_number_int = 9341019000008:
FROM sec_financial_statements.report_presentation_section
WHERE accession_number_int = 9341019000008
ORDER BY section_sequence_id
Here are the top 10 records:
cik |filing_date|accession_number_int|section_sequence_id|statement_type|report_section_description |
93410| 2019-02-22| 9341019000008| 1| |Document - Document and Entity Information |
93410| 2019-02-22| 9341019000008| 2|I |Statement - Consolidated Statement of Income |
93410| 2019-02-22| 9341019000008| 3|IP |Statement - Consolidated Statement of Income (Parenthetical) |
93410| 2019-02-22| 9341019000008| 4|CI |Statement - Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income |
93410| 2019-02-22| 9341019000008| 5|B |Statement - Consolidated Balance Sheet |
93410| 2019-02-22| 9341019000008| 6|BP |Statement - Consolidated Balance Sheet (Parenthetical) |
93410| 2019-02-22| 9341019000008| 7|C |Statement - Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows |
93410| 2019-02-22| 9341019000008| 8|SE |Statement - Consolidated Statement of Equity |
93410| 2019-02-22| 9341019000008| 9|SEP |Statement - Consolidated Statement of Equity (Parenthetical) |
93410| 2019-02-22| 9341019000008| 10| |Disclosure - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies |
You can see the same section sequence:
We want to point out that we use the following statement(section) type abbreviation:
I - Statement of Income
IP - Statement of Income (Parenthetical)
CI - Statement of Comprehensive Income
CIP - Statement of Comprehensive Income (Parenthetical)
B - Balance Sheet
BP - Balance Sheet (Parenthetical)
C - Statement of Cash Flows
CP - Statement of Cash Flows (Parenthetical)
SE - Statement of Equity
SEP - Statement of Equity (Parenthetical)
The data dictionary can be found in docs folder.
3. data_point
This table contains all the data point and values since the first XBRL filing in 2009. Using CHEVRON CORP (cik= 93410), let's find its filing history for total current asset (AssetsCurrent) as of Dec 31, 2015
FROM sec_financial_statements.data_point
WHERE cik = 93410
AND datapoint_name = 'AssetsCurrent'
AND end_date = cast('2015-12-31' AS DATE)
AND segment_hash IS NULL
We can see the data point were shown 5 time in different filings:
cik |accession_number_int|filing_date|datapoint_id|datapoint_name|version |segment_label|segment_hash|start_date|end_date |period_month|string_value|numeric_value|decimals|unit|footnotes|
93410| 9341017000013| 2017-02-23| 806133190|AssetsCurrent |us-gaap/2016| | | |2015-12-31| |34430000000 | 3.443E10| -6|USD | |
93410| 9341016000083| 2016-11-03| 770339982|AssetsCurrent |us-gaap/2016| | | |2015-12-31| |34430000000 | 3.443E10| -6|USD | |
93410| 9341016000070| 2016-08-04| 716548821|AssetsCurrent |us-gaap/2016| | | |2015-12-31| |34430000000 | 3.443E10| -6|USD | |
93410| 9341016000056| 2016-05-05| 688429758|AssetsCurrent |us-gaap/2015| | | |2015-12-31| |34430000000 | 3.443E10| -6|USD | |
93410| 9341016000049| 2016-02-25| 646793196|AssetsCurrent |us-gaap/2015| | | |2015-12-31| |35347000000 | 3.5347E10| -6|USD | |
4. report_presentation_line_item
The table contains the line item sequence for each report section. The data points grouping and relationship can be found here. Thare are many important usage with this table. For example, let's try to get the Document and Entity Information of 10K report for Chevron filed in Feb 2019 (accession_number_int = 9341019000008, section_sequence_id = 1):
SELECT li.parent_datapoint_name
FROM sec_financial_statements.report_presentation_line_item li
INNER JOIN sec_financial_statements.data_point dp
ON li.datapoint_id = dp.datapoint_id
WHERE li.accession_number_int = 9341019000008
AND section_sequence_id = 1
ORDER BY line_item_sequence ASC
,end_date DESC
You can see the result matches the screenshot:
parent_datapoint_name |datapoint_label |end_date |start_date|period_month|string_value |
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Entity Registrant Name |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|CHEVRON CORP |
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Entity Central Index Key |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|0000093410 |
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Document Type |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|10-K |
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Document Period End Date |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|2018-12-31 |
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Amendment Flag |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|false |
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Entity Emerging Growth Company |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|false |
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Entity Small Business |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|false |
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Document Fiscal Year Focus |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|2018 |
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Document Fiscal Period Focus |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|FY |
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Current Fiscal Year End Date |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|--12-31 |
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Entity Well-known Seasoned Issuer |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|Yes |
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Entity Voluntary Filers |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|No |
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Entity Current Reporting Status |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|Yes |
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Entity Filer Category |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|Large Accelerated Filer|
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Entity Public Float |2018-06-29| | |242200000000 |
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Entity Common Stock, Shares Outstanding|2019-02-11| | |1900062760 |
DocumentAndEntityInformationAbstract|Entity Shell Company |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|false |
5. segment
Segment table will provide more information for the segment defined. Using Annual Report for CHEVRON CORP filed on as eample, let's find its segment information for ProfitLoss:
SELECT cik, accession_number_int, filing_date, datapoint_name, end_date, start_date, period_month, string_value, segment_label, s.segment
FROM sec_financial_statements.data_point dp
INNER JOIN sec_financial_statements.segment s
ON dp.segment_hash = s.segment_hash
WHERE dp.accession_number_int = 9341019000008
AND end_date = cast('2018-12-31' AS DATE)
AND datapoint_name LIKE '%ProfitLoss'
We can see three segment brekdowns:
cik |accession_number_int|filing_date|datapoint_name|end_date |start_date|period_month|string_value|segment_label |segment |
93410| 9341019000008| 2019-02-22|ProfitLoss |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|14824000000 |Parent |StatementEquityComponents=Parent |
93410| 9341019000008| 2019-02-22|ProfitLoss |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|36000000 |Noncontrolling Interests|StatementEquityComponents=NoncontrollingInterest|
93410| 9341019000008| 2019-02-22|ProfitLoss |2018-12-31|2018-01-01| 12|14824000000 |Retained Earnings |StatementEquityComponents=RetainedEarnings |
6. data_point_snapshot
This information in this table is derived from as reported data_point table. Each data point will have only one last effective value at its earliest reporting date. Let's use the AssetsCurrent as of 2015-12-31 for CHAVRON CORP again. In data_point table we have:
cik |accession_number_int|filing_date|datapoint_id|datapoint_name|version |segment_label|segment_hash|start_date|end_date |period_month|string_value|numeric_value|decimals|unit|footnotes|
93410| 9341017000013| 2017-02-23| 806133190|AssetsCurrent |us-gaap/2016| | | |2015-12-31| |34430000000 | 3.443E10| -6|USD | |
93410| 9341016000083| 2016-11-03| 770339982|AssetsCurrent |us-gaap/2016| | | |2015-12-31| |34430000000 | 3.443E10| -6|USD | |
93410| 9341016000070| 2016-08-04| 716548821|AssetsCurrent |us-gaap/2016| | | |2015-12-31| |34430000000 | 3.443E10| -6|USD | |
93410| 9341016000056| 2016-05-05| 688429758|AssetsCurrent |us-gaap/2015| | | |2015-12-31| |34430000000 | 3.443E10| -6|USD | |
93410| 9341016000049| 2016-02-25| 646793196|AssetsCurrent |us-gaap/2015| | | |2015-12-31| |35347000000 | 3.5347E10| -6|USD | |
Let's take a look at data_point_snapshot:
FROM sec_financial_statements.data_point_snapshot
WHERE cik = 93410
AND datapoint_name = 'AssetsCurrent'
AND end_date = cast('2015-12-31' AS DATE)
AND segment_hash IS NULL
You can see only the the last value changes on 2016-05-05 are kept:
cik |accession_number_int|filing_date|datapoint_id|datapoint_name|version |segment_label|segment_hash|start_date|end_date |period_month|string_value|numeric_value|decimals|unit|footnotes|revision_num|
93410| 9341016000056| 2016-05-05| 688429758|AssetsCurrent |us-gaap/2015| | | |2015-12-31| |34430000000 | 3.443E10| -6|USD | | 1|
So where is the value as of 2016-02-25? Actually it is kept in the revision history in next table:
7. data_point_revision
This table will archive all the revised/restated value. As in the previous example, we use its datapoint_id to find its revision history:
FROM sec_financial_statements.data_point_revision
WHERE datapoint_id = 688429758
We can see the value before the revision, and the correspoinding report:
688429758| 9341016000049| 2016-02-25|35347000000 | 3.5347E10|
Data Export
How to download the data in txt format using Athena
With Athena you can easily convert the data in the tables, or the query results, to CSV/TSV and store them in your own S3 bucket. For example, the following Athena query will store the content in table company_submission a tsv file in S3:
CREATE TABLE sec_financial_statements.company_submission_tsv
format = 'textfile'
,external_location = 's3://path/to/your/bucket/folder/'
,field_delimiter ='\t'
) AS
SELECT * FROM sec_financial_statements.company_submission
How to Access the Data using Redshift Spectrum
Once you have completed the steps of setting up the database and tables in Athena, you can simply reference it through Redshift Spectrum. You can run the following query in Redshift:
CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA sec_financial_statements
FROM data CATALOG DATABASE 'sec_financial_statements' iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::your-account-number:role/your-role-used-by-redshift'
You will see the redshift spectrum sec_financial_statements is created with all the tables under it.