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Denoising autoencoder implementation as TensorFlow estimator

Denoising Autoencoder as TensorFlow estimator

This repository contains an implementation of a (Denoising) Autoencoder using TensorFlow's Estimator and Dataset API. You can find a more detailed description in my blog post.

Two flavors of autoencoders are currently implemented

  1. fully_connected: Uses fully-connected layers with 128, 64, and 32 units, respectively.
  2. convolutional: Uses 2D convolutional layers with 3x3 kernels and 16, 8, and 8 filters, respectively.


You can train an autoencoder on the MNIST dataset using The first argument specifies which autoencoder to train (fully_connected or convolutional), the remaining arguments are listed below.

Argument Description
--model_dir Output directory for model and training stats.
--data_dir Directory to download the data to.
--noise_factor Amount of noise to add to input (default: 0)
--learning_rate Learning rate (default: 0.001)
--batch_size Batch size (default: 256)
--epochs Number of epochs to perform for training (default: 50)
--weight_decay Amount of weight decay to apply (default: 1e-5)
--dropout The probability that each element is kept in dropout layers (default: 1)
--save-images Path to directory to store pairs of input and reconstructed images after each epoch (default: disabled)

If --noise_factor is non-zero, a denoising autoencoder will be trained.


After training an autoencoder, you can inspect the model using You can visualize a model's predictions on the MNIST test dataset or save the output of the encoder to display it in TensorBoard. The first argument specifies which autoencoder to evaluate (fully_connected or convolutional), the remaining arguments are listed below.

Argument Description
--model_dir Output directory for model and training stats.
--data_dir Directory to download the data to.
--noise_factor Amount of noise to add to input (default: 0)
--dropout The probability that each element is kept in dropout layers (default: 1)
--images Number of test images to reconstruct or save embedding for (default: 10)
--what How to visualize a trained model. reconstruction displays input and reconstructed images next to each other. embedding creates a checkpoint that can be used with TensorBoard to visualize the low-dimensional embedding of the encoder (default: reconstruction)

Make sure you pass the same values you used during training.