cops copied to clipboard
"Grey screen" when accessing via nginx reverse proxy
Up until a few months ago, I had a very simple reverse proxy set up via nginx subfolder that was working perfectly as follows:
location /cops {
return 301 /cops/;
location /cops/ {
rewrite /cops(.*) $1 break;
include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
It now loads nothing but a grey screen on any device that I access it on. Accessing locally via the IP:Port directly works perfectly. The following appears in chrome errors:
ERROR: LRUCache module not loaded!
/cops/getJSON.php?complete=1&_=1563933685005:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
Any help with a working reverse proxy configuration would be great - and perhaps insight as to why it stopped functioning also. I haven't tried it on a subdomain just yet, as I would prefer to use a subfolder but will switch over if I need to.
I don't know what to tell you, did you update COPS at any point ?
Hi @seblucas , yes I did. Right now I'm on 1.1.3, but the issue has persisted for quite some time. I've just been letting the container update for a long time, I don't even remember exactly when the issue began. I'm using the Linuxserver IO container, by the way.
Same grey screen after updating Calibre to v5.1.0. I think they changed database structure:
Because of the support for library wide annotations, the database format was slightly changed.
I have the same problem. I am running Calibre 5.3 and COPS 1.1.3, the latter installed on a QNAP P112. COPS stopped working after upgrade to Calibre 5.x. In the browser console I see: "ERROR: LRUCache module not loaded!" and " util.js:13".
Kind regards
I have the same problem. I am running Calibre 5.3 and COPS 1.1.3, the latter installed on a QNAP P112. COPS stopped working after upgrade to Calibre 5.x. In the browser console I see: "ERROR: LRUCache module not loaded!" and " util.js:13".
I have the same and posted my workaround in this issue:
Although I have the same issue, this is the error for me. I'm not sure why the template isn't loading.
if (typeof LRUCache != 'undefined') {
console.log('ERROR: LRUCache module not loaded!');
This code makes it seem like it will always show this 'error' as it will always load. Maybe it should be ==
Is this a CORS issue? is there something I need to provide in the proxy configuration?
@grantbi this GIT project is no longer maintained. For Cops, please try this fork: