After-Effects-Scripting-Sublime-Text-Package icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
After-Effects-Scripting-Sublime-Text-Package copied to clipboard

Sublime Text 2 package for After Effects.

After Effects Scripting Sublime Text Package

Sublime Text package for After Effects.

Build System

The build system will :

  1. Copy your current .jsx file in your AfterEffects Scripts folder so you don't have to develop in that folder.
  2. Run the script in After Effects.


With zip file

  • Download and unzip in your Sublime Text packages folder.
  • Rename the folder to AfterEffects.

The "Packages" directory is located at:

  • OS X

    ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text [version]/Packages
  • Linux

  • Windows

    %APPDATA%/Sublime Text [version]/Packages/


  1. Default version of After Effects is set to CC 2015. If you're using an older version, just change the version in on OS X or in build.bat on Windows.
  2. On Windows 8 or Windows 10, you will need to run Sublime Text as administrator.
  3. Open Sublime Text and go Tools > Build System > AfterEffectScripting and build with ⌘ + B (OS X) CTRL + B (Windows).