scrape-twitter icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
scrape-twitter copied to clipboard

🐦 Access Twitter data without an API key. [DEPRECATED]

Results 18 scrape-twitter issues
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Getting these responses for profile and timeline (havent tested other commands just these two) scrape-twitter profile sebinsua: ` { "screenName": "", "name": "", "bio": "", "userMentions": [], "hashtags": [], "urls":...

If I execute ``scrape-twitter profile realdonaldtrump`` I get the following response: ```json { "screenName": "", "name": "", "bio": "", "userMentions": [], "hashtags": [], "urls": [], "location": "", "joinDate": "undefined-undefined-01T00:00:00.000Z", "tweetCount":...

If you disable JavaScript, you get ![image]( which takes you to a pure HTML page ![image]( Thought you'd like to know

I wanna talk with you about something regarding to your repo and to do it faster and easier could you please give me any discord/twitter or smth like that to...

The number of tweets returned for a given conversation is fewer than the actual tweets I found on the web browser for that conversation. For the given example `scrape-twitter conversation...

I'm getting an error when importing scrape-twitter with `require('scrape-twitter')` which is being thrown by the `expandHome` function in the `cli-utils.js` file. Trace: ``` TypeError: Path must be a string. Received...

The documentation lacks the exact usage like [this one]( Help me

Hello, This script is amazing and works great and I have a one question. How to get link to the media from Tweet? Like.. I mean.. If in tweet is...

Search –query doesn’t scroll the page anymore. Only the first 20 results are returned and they are are all duplicated. I am trying to fox this … without success up...

vi eddited ~/,scrape-twitter added: ``` TWITTER_USERNAME = 'username' TWITTER_PASSWORD = 'password' ``` tried sample command: `scrape-twitter likes sebinsua ###(or another random account) ` receive following error msg: > Error: An...