FastDemultiplexer copied to clipboard
A sequence demultiplexer for the Illumina HiSeq technology
This is a read demultiplexer.
- Can manage a lot of mismatches
== Motivation ==
The Illumina HiSeq 1000 dumps .cif (intensity) files, .bcl (base calls) files and .clocs (probably a summary of the intensities?)files, among others.
Basically, for each cluster on the flow cell, there will be 4 sequences: R1, R2, R3, R4. R2 and R3 are the indexes, or bar-codes, and R1 and R4 are the sequences.
There also may be only R1, R2, and R3 (RNA-Seq and ChIP-Seq)
CASAVA 1.8.2 only allows 1 mismatch per index (2 for dual-indexes).
Furthermore CASAVA 1.8.2 has been released many years ago.
This demultiplexer allows more data to be retrieved and is maintained too !
This demultiplexer is implemented in Python as a single executable.
This is GPL work.
== Input files ==
The files can be in fastq or in fastq.gz.
== Output files ==
== Conversion from BCL/CLOCS to FASTQ ==
#!/bin/bash #$ -N convert-HiSeq1000-BCL-2011-12-21.8 #$ -P nne-790-ab #$ -l h_rt=48:00:00 #$ -pe default 8 #$ -cwd
sequenceWorld=/rap/nne-790-ab/Instruments/Illumina_HiSeq_1000_Hellbound run=111207_SNL131_0065_AC0947ACXX NSLOTS=8
source /rap/nne-790-ab/software/CASAVA_v1.8.2/
--input-dir $sequenceWorld/$run/Data/Intensities/BaseCalls
--output-dir $sequenceWorld/$run/FastQ-Sequences/no-demul-Unaligned
--use-bases-mask Y*,Y*,Y*,Y*
cd $sequenceWorld/$run/FastQ-Sequences/no-demul-Unaligned
make -j $NSLOTS
== Demultiplexing FASTQ files ==
By now, you should have one directory per lane.
[@colosse1 FastQ-Sequences]$ ls no-demul-Unaligned/Project_C0947ACXX/ -1 Sample_lane1 Sample_lane2 Sample_lane3 Sample_lane4 Sample_lane5 Sample_lane6 Sample_lane7 Sample_lane8
To demultiplex lane 7, run this: SampleSheet.csv 7 Project_C0947ACXX/Sample_lane7 Demultiplexed > stat.txt
This will generate
Demultiplexed/Project_A/Sample_X Demultiplexed/Project_A/Sample_Y Demultiplexed/Project_A/Sample_Z ...
== Author ==
Sébastien Boisvert