Sebastian Hildebrandt

Results 174 comments of Sebastian Hildebrandt

@BitesPotatoBacks Thank you, I already thought of implementing it the same way ... there is only one downside, As this has to keep its own stats (for the last 15...

@chend0316 ... I made a comment to your pull request. Can you have a look on it?

@NoobishSVK need to have a look on it today. As soon as I am in the office I will try to see what the problem is. Thank you for reporting

@NoobishSVK as I cannot reproduce this here on any machine, can you provide the output of ``` dmidecode -t memory 2>/dev/null | grep -iE "Size:|Type|Speed|Manufacturer|Form Factor|Locator|Memory Device|Serial Number|Voltage|Part Number" ```

@mkreuzmayr thank you for your suggestion. Not quite sure how you mean this, as gateway is part of the routing (and not necessarily part to the interface, or am I...

@mkreuzmayr thank you, good point ... need to make some research here ... Windows: do you mean this class: Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration So basically `wmic Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration get /value` Do you ave a...

@mkreuzmayr thank you, awesome. I need to also find examples on linux and macOS ... will try to do that in the next days (if possible). Powershell: yes, I am...

@felipebraz, three questions: - did you read the **Known Issues** section in the readme? - what OS are you running? - what exactly you like to see ...

@felipebraz ... yes this is a nice idea. Will make a research on that.

@PCGeekBrain : thank you for pointing me to this script. This will definitely help to implement this. Already having some ideas ;-) I will also implement fan speed for linux...