Sebastian Fischer

Results 247 issues of Sebastian Fischer

See e.g. [this issue]( where things go wrong.

``` r library(mlr3) task = tsk("iris") task$select(c("Petal.Length")) task$col_info #> id type levels label fix_factor_levels #> 1: ..row_id integer FALSE #> 2: Petal.Length numeric FALSE #> 3: Petal.Width numeric FALSE #>...

I can imagine that some learner's don't handle factors with flipped levels perfectly. A proposal would be to add an autotest that checks whether predictions are equivalent irrespective of the...

Is this intentional? ``` r library(mlr3) learner = lrn("regr.rpart") task = tsk("mtcars") learner$train(task) learner$state$train_task #> (32 x 11): Motor Trends #> * Target: mpg #> * Properties: - #> *...

It can happen that custom resamplings have exactly the same instance but are instantiated on different tasks. I would still expect these resamplings to have a different hash. This case...

One thing that is hugely annoying I think is that we do not have autocompletion for the names of parameters. Maybe we can somehow add a method to a learner...

In some cases, users might want to fit large models on large datasets using `resample()`. In this case [here](, the person was unable to fit the models into RAM when...

Some learners (especiall torch learners) but also e.g. lightgbm break when saved and reloaded. One situation where this occurs is if one calls `benchmark(..., store_models = TRUE)`. To avoid this...

Some learners require (such as priority lass from mlr3extralearners) require to set a parameter to a specific value, that depends on properties of the tasks (in this case, the number...

We recommend to add r-universe to the repos, and then mention how to install the dev version. If they add r-universe to the repo as suggested, they always get the...