Sébastien Levert

Results 242 comments of Sébastien Levert

Just to confirm, the Graph client you are getting is the one provided by MGT, right? I'm afraid this feature is not available yet in MGT (to prevent breaking changes)....

Adding @nikithauc to have a look from a Graph SDK lens.

It feels like the issue happens when using the `file-extensions` property. You can see a repro here : https://stackblitz.com/edit/mgt-issue-1707?file=App.tsx. It traverses the entire content of a folder and filters out...

What I'm wondering is if this causes a breaking change for our existing users. If we add the header, the results will be fairly different from what they are used...

These might be related to accessibility changes we have done. Having a border on clicked elements is critical for users with accessibility needs. Can you provide a repro with both...

This would be a good starting point. You'll find a client-id in the `index.tsx` and you could fork it! https://stackblitz.com/edit/mgt-react-starter-sebastienlevert-1488?file=src%2FApp.tsx

Hello @nirajparajuli! I just transfered the issue from the Docs repo to our MGT repo! It seems related to #1665 and would be a configuration issue. Depending on the permissions...

When using the component, do you get any 404 or 403? Also, I highly advise to get on the Msal2Provider as it provides more secure capabilities. MSAL v1 is now...

Can you share how the component is used in your React code? What are the properties / attributes used on the PeoplePicker in the code?