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Remove some dependencies

Open sebastienbarre opened this issue 8 years ago • 1 comments

If possible (see nolanlawson/slow-deps)

barre@killy $ slow-deps
Analyzing 40 dependencies...
[====================] 100% 0.0s
| Dependency                   | Time  | Size   | # Deps |
| download                     | 44.5s | 4.0 MB | 227    |
| semantic-release             | 40.7s | 7.9 MB | 195    |
| eslint-config-sebastienbarre | 29.4s | 13 MB  | 150    |
| conventional-changelog       | 27.7s | 7.9 MB | 116    |
| babel-preset-es2015          | 22.1s | 6.6 MB | 93     |
| commitizen                   | 16.3s | 9.5 MB | 77     |
| istanbul                     | 14.4s | 6.5 MB | 55     |
| babel-register               | 13.8s | 5.9 MB | 53     |
| inquirer                     | 11.7s | 8.6 MB | 44     |
| flickrapi                    | 10.4s | 3.0 MB | 57     |
| yargs                        | 9.6s  | 763 KB | 48     |
| ghooks                       | 7.6s  | 423 KB | 25     |
| codecov.io                   | 7.3s  | 2.5 MB | 43     |
| sort-object                  | 4.7s  | 179 KB | 17     |
| babel-polyfill               | 3.8s  | 2.5 MB | 3      |
| jasmine                      | 3.3s  | 494 KB | 8      |
| moment-timezone              | 3.2s  | 5.1 MB | 1      |
| cz-conventional-changelog    | 3.1s  | 119 KB | 7      |
| node-fetch                   | 3.1s  | 436 KB | 3      |
| chalk                        | 2.8s  | 47 KB  | 6      |
| lodash                       | 2.8s  | 1.4 MB | 0      |
| suspend                      | 2.3s  | 85 KB  | 2      |
| temp                         | 2.3s  | 43 KB  | 3      |
| strip-ansi                   | 2.1s  | 10 KB  | 1      |
| node-localstorage            | 2.1s  | 127 KB | 4      |
| instagram-node               | 1.9s  | 303 KB | 4      |
| tz-lookup                    | 1.9s  | 1.1 MB | 0      |
| mkdirp                       | 1.8s  | 48 KB  | 2      |
| jasmine-spec-reporter        | 1.7s  | 278 KB | 1      |
| sugar                        | 1.7s  | 784 KB | 0      |
| es6-promise                  | 1.7s  | 78 KB  | 0      |
| lz-string                    | 1.6s  | 176 KB | 1      |
| json-stable-stringify        | 1.6s  | 34 KB  | 1      |
| is-iojs                      | 1.5s  | 4.9 KB | 0      |
| qs                           | 1.5s  | 86 KB  | 0      |
| openurl                      | 1.3s  | 5.3 KB | 0      |
| store                        | 1.3s  | 68 KB  | 0      |
| rewire                       | 1.3s  | 56 KB  | 0      |
| in-publish                   | 1.2s  | 8.2 KB | 1      |
| throat                       | 1.2s  | 18 KB  | 0      |
Total time (non-deduped): 5m 14.6s
Total size (non-deduped): 90 MB

sebastienbarre avatar Aug 21 '16 00:08 sebastienbarre

Potential replacements for kevva/download:

Test slow-deps:

| Dependency                   | Time  | Size   | # Deps |
| download                     | 42.7s | 4.0 MB | 227    |
| request                      | 11.8s | 3.2 MB | 66     |
| superagent                   | 4.5s  | 1.1 MB | 24     |
| node-fetch                   | 2.8s  | 436 KB | 3      |
| needle                       | 2.8s  | 560 KB | 4      |
| axios                        | 2.7s  | 325 KB | 4      |
| got                          | 2.6s  | 98 KB  | 14     |
| reqwest                      | 1.5s  | 154 KB | 0      |
| whatwg-fetch                 | 1.4s  | 21 KB  | 0      |

sebastienbarre avatar Aug 25 '16 03:08 sebastienbarre