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Code and Data used for the paper "Explaining Machine Learning Models for Clinical Gait Analysis"

Explaining Machine Learning Models for Clinical Gait Analysis

overview figure

This repository contains the python code for training and evaluation of models as presented in Explaining Machine Learning Models for Clinical Gait Analysis.

This article investigates the usefulness of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods to increase transparency in automated clinical gait classification based on time series. For this purpose, predictions of state-of-the-art classification methods are explained with a XAI method called Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP). Our main contribution is an approach that explains class-specific characteristics learned by ML models that are trained for gait classification. Our experiments show that explanations obtained by LRP exhibit promising statistical properties concerning inter-class discriminativity and are also in line with clinically relevant biomechanical gait characteristics.

    author     = {Slijepcevic, Djordje and
                  Horst, Fabian and 
                  Lapuschkin, Sebastian and
                  Horsak, Brian and
                  Raberger, Anna-Maria and
                  Kranzl, Andreas and
                  Samek, Wojciech and
                  Breiteneder, Christian and
                  Sch\"{o}llhorn, Wolfgang Immanuel and
                  Zeppelzauer, Matthias},
    title      = {Explaining Machine Learning Models for Clinical Gait Analysis},
    year       = {2021},
    issue_date = {April 2022},
    publisher  = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    address    = {New York, NY, USA},
    volume     = {3},
    number     = {2},
    pages      = {1--27},
    issn       = {2691-1957},
    url        = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3474121},
    doi        = {10.1145/3474121},
    journal    = {ACM Transactions for Computing on Healthcare},
    month      = {dec},
    articleno  = {14},
    numpages   = {27},

Code, Data and Reproducibility


Folder figures contains code and data for (generating) the overview figure shown in the paper.

Model Training, Evaluation and XAI Attributions

Folder python contains code for model training and evaluation, based on python3 and the python sub-package of the LRP Toolbox (version 1.3.0rc2). Should you use or extend the implementation in the present repository, please consider citing the toolbox, as well as our paper mentioned above.

    author  = {Lapuschkin, Sebastian and
               Binder, Alexander and
               Montavon, Gr{\'e}goire and
               M\"uller, Klaus-Robert and
               Samek, Wojciech},
    title   = {The LRP Toolbox for Artificial Neural Networks},
    journal = {Journal of Machine Learning Research},
    year    = {2016},
    volume  = {17},
    number  = {114},
    pages   = {1-5},
    url     = {http://jmlr.org/papers/v17/15-618.html}

In folder python, the file install.sh contains instructions to setup Miniconda3-based virtual environments for python, as required by our code. Option A only considers CPU hardware, while option B enables GPU support for neural network training and evaluation. Comment/uncomment the lines appropriately.

All recorded gait data used in the paper is available in folder python/data. Training- and evaluation scripts for fully reproducing the data splits, models and prediction explanations are provided with files python/gait_experiments_batch*.py. The folder sge contains files *.args, presenting the mentioned training-evaluation runs as (probably more) handy command line parameters, one per line, either to be called directly as

python gait_experiments.py ${ARGS_LINE}

or to be submitted to a SUN Grid Engine with

python sge_job_simple.py your_file_of_choice.args

Some paths and variables need to be adjusted.

Dataset-wide Analyses of XAI

The Meta-Analysis of relevance attributions using Spectral Relevance Analysis (SpRAy) are based on implementations from the CoRelAy framework. Should you use or extend the implementation in the present repository, please consider citing the software paper, as well as our paper mentioned at the top of this page.

      author  = {Anders, Christopher J. and
                 Neumann, David and
                 Samek, Wojciech and
                 Müller, Klaus-Robert and
                 Lapuschkin, Sebastian},
      title   = {Software for Dataset-wide XAI: From Local Explanations to Global Insights with {Zennit}, {CoRelAy}, and {ViRelAy}},
      journal = {CoRR},
      volume  = {abs/2106.13200},
      year    = {2021},

In folder python, the file install_metaanalysis.sh contains the requirements to use the CoRelAy package implementing SpRAy.

All data analyzed with SpRAy in our manuscript is provided in python/data_metaanalysis. Various analyses can be configured and executed using

python main_metaanalysis.py ${ARGS}

Provide --help as part of the ${ARGS} for an overview of the parameterization options. Run (and adapt as documented) the file run_metaanalysis.sh to replicate our results from the manuscript.