@lucasconstantino awesome!! Oh! I think we forgot the documentation, so I'll document it and send you a PR later 👍
Redux Actions now required defaultState in the handleActions function, so we need to considerate to improve this dependency.
seems like this feature is "deferred" to after [Apollo Client 3 is released]( there's any work on this for the current Apollo client/server ?
Less is really great!, but there are things you can do with normal css coding that can save lines of code, of the resulting css file of a less. So...
hey guys! good to see this lib is being used in React Native. @lukadriel7 could you ping me at twitter or to give you write permissions? my handler is...
@lukadriel7 hope you received the invitation 😉
I'm having the same issue here but my error is coming from `react-apollo`'s `react-dom`, somebody had a solution? oh! I'm using Jest.
I resolved by upgrading my node to v8.3.0 (npm v5.3.0), removing all the node_modules and then installing all again. Btw, I'm using yarn.
I had the same issue but not related to AWS creating a `proxy.conf` file with the default configs and ``` proxy_buffer_size 128k; proxy_buffers 4 256k; proxy_busy_buffers_size 256k; ``` then copied...
well I can confirm, something change in the past 3 or 4 month, because with new projects I'm getting this 502 bad gateways after posts for example. Things where getting...