seaweedfs-csi-driver copied to clipboard
Latest 1.1.3 had docker build error
from the github actions logs
#43 [linux/amd64 builder 8/8] RUN cd /go/src/ && go build -o /seaweedfs-csi-driver ./cmd/seaweedfs-csi-driver/main.go
#43 99.41 #
#43 99.41 pkg/driver/driver.go:148:43: cannot use d.signature (variable of type int32) as func(*grpc.ClientConn) error value in argument to pb.WithGrpcClient
#43 99.41 pkg/driver/driver.go:148:56: cannot use func(grpcConnection *grpc.ClientConn) error {…} (value of type func(grpcConnection *grpc.ClientConn) error) as string value in argument to pb.WithGrpcClient
#43 99.41 pkg/driver/driver.go:151:7: cannot use d.filers[i].ToGrpcAddress() (value of type string) as bool value in argument to pb.WithGrpcClient
#43 99.41 pkg/driver/driver.go:151:36: cannot use false (constant of type bool) as grpc.DialOption value in argument to pb.WithGrpcClient: bool does not implement grpc.DialOption (missing method apply)
#43 ERROR: process "/bin/sh -c cd /go/src/ && go build -o /seaweedfs-csi-driver ./cmd/seaweedfs-csi-driver/main.go" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
The v1.1.3 release is still missing from docker hub. Might want to rerelease that so it's get published there.
Thanks for noticing this! I am not quite sure how to re-release this.
1.1.4 is working fine, right?
New SeaweedFS releases have FUSE mount fixes. Seems csi drivers also need to have corresponding releases to include the changes.