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OpenHAB UniFi Protect Addon
Integrates UniFi Protect Camera System into openHAB. See https://ui.com/why-protect/ This binding utilizes an undocumented json REST API that is present in the NVR. It works very similar to the Homebridge and HomeAssistant soultion.
The binding is written in java and tailored for openHAB.
The Binding has a configurable refresh rate. The refresh rate will update the NVR information. For Events (motion detection) UniFiProtect Event API over websockets has been implemented, thus motion detection is instant and without the need of polling.
openHAB Version
openHAB version 4.x.x is supported.
Maturity: Stable
Example of usage
- Toggle Privacy Zone on or off, for instance turn on and black out recording and view when you are home
- Turn recording on or off, for instance turn off recoring when you are home
- Send a notification on motion or ring on doorbell together with a snapshot from the camera
- Detect Motion and trigger other system notifications, Alexa, Google Home, turn on lights, sound an alarm etc.
- Limit detection to only smart motions such as person, vehicle and package.
- Smoke and CO alarm trigger for G4 and later cameras
- Turn on and off notifications, can be used together with presence detection.
- View general information about Cameras and NVR, for instance check hard-drive health and storage.
- Reboot Cameras
- Disable chime on doorbell certain hours, can be good when your kids/pets/partners/etc are sleeping
- Turn on / off IR - leds
- Turn on / off Recording from the camera
- Turn on / off HDR mode
- Turn on / off High FPS mode
- Turn of / off status light on camera
- Download a thumbnail of latest motion event
- Download a snapshot from the Camera
- Download an anonymous snapshot (needed if more than you require snapshots more frequent than every 10 seconds)
- Download a Heat map of latest recorded motion event
- Get a score of 0-100 on each motion event, in order to be able to filter out false positives
- Detect if a hardrive in the nvr fails
- Monitor the memory / diskstorage and CPU temperature
- G4 Camera Smart Detections (Person or vehicle)
- G4 Camera Smart Detection thumbnail
- G4 Camera Smart Detection Score
- G4 Camera enable smart detections
- G4 Doorbell set custom LCD message
- G4 Doorbell set predefined message (Leave package and do not disturb)
- G4 Doorbell detect if it is ringing
Supported hardware
- UniFi Protect Cloud Key Gen2+ Firmware >= 2.0.18
- UniFi Dream Machine / Pro
- Any UniFi Protect Camera G3, G4 and G5
- UniFi NVR
- UniFi Doorbell / Pro
The binding has been rewritten to support UniFi OS only. That means if you have a UCKP (Cloudkey gen2+) you need to update it to at least firmware 2.0.18. After 2.0.18 UCKP is running UniFiOs just like the UDMP and UNVR.
Note stay on stable UniFi Protect version. Early Access versions are not supported.
- OH Map transformations ( https://www.openhab.org/addons/transformations/map/ )
Manual setup
- Log into UniFi Protect and create a user with admin rights that you use
- Manually log into all cameras where you want to use anonymous-snapshots, you have to enable it yourself. (See next section for a detailed description) See https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/unifiprotect/#local-user for instructions on how to add a user.
A quirk is that there is a bug in firmware 2.0.18 which does not display the local user name when calling the API. Therefor you need to have the same First Name as user name in order for the binding to pick up the correct user.
Step by step setup Anonymous Snapshots
To use the Anonymous Snapshot, you must ensure that each Camera is configured to allow this. This cannot be done in the UniFi Protect Controller, but has to be done on each individual Camera.
- Login to each of your Cameras by going to http://CAMERA_IP. The Username is ubnt and the Camera Password can be found in Unifi Protect under Settings.
- If you have never logged in to the Camera before, it might take you through a Setup procedure - just make sure to keep it in Unifi Video mode, so that it is managed by Unifi Protect.
- Once you are logged in, you will see an option on the Front page for enabling Anonymous Snapshots. Make sure this is checked, and then press the Save Changes button.
- Repeat step 3 for each of your Cameras. (creds @largepills)
Supported Things
- Running UniFi Protect and handles the attached cameras -
- A UniFi G3 Camera -
- A UniFi G4 Camera -
- A UniFi G4 Doorbell / Doorbell Pro -
- A UniFi G5 Camera
Discovery of cameras is possible. Background auto discovery is turned off and the Controller / NVR needs to be added manually before you can discover any devices. Doing discovery in the UI is recommended since it will reduce the risk of syntax errors.
Binding Configuration
The binding has no configuration options, all configuration is done at the Bridge and Thing levels.
NVR / Bridge Configuration
You need to configure a NVR / Bridge manually before you can setup any cameras.
The following table describes the Bridge configuration parameters:
Parameter | Description | Config | Default |
Hostname | Hostname or IP address of the NVR | Required | - |
Username | The username to access the UniFiProtect | Required | - |
Password | The password credential | Required | - |
Refresh Interval | Refresh interval in seconds | Required | 60 |
Thumbnail Width | Thumbnails will use this width | Required | 640 |
Image Folder | Images (snapshots etc) will be stored in this folder | Optional | - |
Events Timer Period | The number of seconds to look back for motion events | Optional | 30 |
Thing Configuration
You must add a NVR / Controller (Bridge) before adding Cameras.
The following table describes the Thing configuration parameters for all cameras:
Parameter | Description | Config | Default |
Name | The name of the Camera | Required | - |
Mac | The MAC address of the camera (uppercase without ':') | Required | 180 |
eventDownloadHeatMap | Enable/disable download of heatmap picture on motion | Optional | True |
eventDownloadThumbnail | Enable/disable download of thumbnail on motion | Optional | True |
The following table describes the Thing configuration parameters for G4 Doorbell:
Parameter | Description | Config | Default |
Name | The name of the G4 Doorbell | Required | - |
Mac | The MAC address of the G4 Doorbell (uppercase without ':') | Required | 180 |
lcdCustomMessage | A custm LCD preconfigured message | Optional | - |
chimeDuration | If chime is enabled this is the preset duration that vill be used | Optional | - |
NVR Channels
The NVR Channels
Channel ID | Item Type | Description | Permissions |
name | String | NVR Name | Read |
host | String | Hostname / IP | Read |
version | String | NVR Version | Read |
firmware-version | String | NVR Firmware version | Read |
uptime | Number | Uptime in milliseconds | Read |
last-seen | DateTime | NVR Last Seen At | Read |
last-updated-at | DateTime | NVR Last updated at | Read |
is-connected-to-cloud | Switch | NVR is Connected to UniFi Cloud | Read |
enable-automatic-backups | Switch | Automatic backups is enabled or disabled | Read |
hosts | String | Hosts string (multiple hosts) | Read |
host-short-name | String | The host short-name | Read |
recording-retention-duration | Number | Recording retention duration in ms | Read |
storage-total-size | Number | Total storage size | Read |
storage-type | String | Type of Storage (hdd, usb or similar) | Read |
storage-used | Number | Used storage space | Read |
storage-available | String | Total storage available | Read |
device-0-model | String | Storage Device 0 model | Read |
device-0-size | Number | Storage Device 0 size | Read |
device-0-healthy | Switch | Storage Device 0 Healthy | Read |
cpu-average-load | Number | CPU Average Load | Read |
cpu-temperature | Number | CPU Temperature | Read |
mem-available | Number | Available Memory | Read |
mem-free | Number | Free Memory | Read |
mem-total | Number | Tota Memory | Read |
alerts | Switch | Turn on or of notifications | Read/Write |
The alerts channel allows you to turn on or off alerts sent by the UniFi Protect App. You need to configure the alerts yourself by logging into the controller.
G3 Camera Channels
Channel ID | Item Type | Description | Permissions |
name | String | Camera Name | Read |
type | String | Camera Type | Read |
state | String | Connection state | Read |
host | String | Hostname / IP | Read |
is-dark | Switch | If it is considered to be dark | Read |
status-light | Switch | Turn on / off status light on the camera | Read/Write |
reboot | Switch | Reboot a camera | Read/Write |
motion-heatmap | Image | An Heatmap of the last motion event | Read |
motion-detection | Switch | Turn motion detection on or off | Read/Write |
motion-thumbnail | Image | A thumbnail image of the last motion event | Read |
motion-score | Number | A numeric score for last motion event 0-100 | Read |
snapshot | Switch | Capture a snapshot in the image folder | Read/Write |
snapshot-img | Image | The snapshot image | Read |
a-snapshot | Switch | Capture Anonymous snapshot, stored in the image folder | Read/Write |
a-snapshot-img | Image | The anonymous snapshot image | Read |
ir-mode | Number | Infra red mode Auto, On, Off | Read/Write |
hdr-mode | Switch | Turn HDR on or off | Read/Write |
high-fps-mode | Switch | Turn High FPS mode on / off (needs to be supported by camera) | Read/Write |
recording-mode | Number | Set recording mode for the camera On/Off/Motion | Read/Write |
is-motion-detected | Switch | Turned on when a motion is detected | Read |
is-mic-enabled | Switch | If mic is enabled / disabled | Read |
is-recording | Switch | If the camera is recording | Read |
up-since | DateTime | Camera has been up since | Read |
connected-since | DateTime | Camera has been connected since | Read |
last-seen | DateTime | Camera was last seen | Read |
last-motion | DateTime | When last motion was detected at | Read |
mic-volume | Number | The volume of the microphone | Read |
privacy-zone | Switch | Turn Privacy Filter on / Off | Read/Write |
G4 and G5 Camera Channels (Has all the G3 Channels)
Channel ID | Item Type | Description | Permissions |
smart-detect-person | Switch | Toggle setting for smartdetection of a person | Read/Write |
smart-detect-vehicle | Switch | Toggle setting for smartdetection of a vehicle | Read/Write |
smart-detect-package | Switch | Toggled setting for smartdetection of package | Read/Write |
smart-detect-smoke | Switch | Toggled setting for smartdetection of smoke / CO | Read/Write |
smart-detect-motion | Switch | Toggled when a smartdetection is triggered | Read |
smart-detect-thumbnail | Image | A thumbnail image of the last smart detection event | Read |
smart-detect-score | Number | A numeric score for last smart motion event 0-100 | Read |
smart-detect-type | String | The last smart detection type vehicle or preson | Read |
smart-detect-last | DateTime | Last Smart Detection Event timestamp | Read |
G4 Doorbell Camera Channels (Has all the G3 and G4 Channels)
The LCD message displayed by the doorbell will either be the configured message in the thing configuration or the set message in the lcd-custom-text channel. Use the thing config if you want a static custom message to be displayed. Use the lcd-custom-text channel if you want to dynamically set the message.
Channel ID | Item Type | Description | Permissions |
ring-thumbnail | Image | Last Ring Event Image | Read/Write |
is-ringing | Switch | Toggled when doorbell is pushed (ding-dong) | Read/Write |
last-ring | DateTime | Timestamp for last ring event | Read/Write |
lcd-leave-package | Switch | Will display the predefined Leave Package at Door message | Read/Write |
lcd-do-not-disturb | Switch | Will display the predefined Do not disturb message | Read/Write |
lcd-custom-text | String | Channel for setting custom lcd messages | Read/Write |
status-sounds | Switch | Channel for setting toggle status sounds | Read/Write |
chime | Switch | Will toggle the Chime on or off. Will used thing configured value for duration. | Read/Write |
G5 Camera Channels (Has all the G3 & G4 Channels)
Channel ID | Item Type | Description | Permissions |
Full Example
Make sure you replace the ids in the items below (NVRID and MACADDRESS) The String NVRID refers to the Thing Id of the bridge. It will be something random if you create it using the GUI.
Use paper UI to either discovery or add things If you want to create Things manually use below example (although this is not encouraged)
Bridge unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID "UniFi Protect NVR" [ host="...", username="...", password="...", refresh=60 ] {
Thing camera frontDoorCamera [name="Front door camera", mac="AABBCCDDEEFFGG"]
Important, the mac address needs to be in uppercase without ":".
Group CKG2PNvr "CKG2+ Nvr" (gUniFiProtect)
String CKG2PNvrName "CKG2+ Name" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:name" }
String CKG2PNvrHost "CKG2+ Host" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:host" }
String CKG2PNvrHosts "CKG2+ Hosts" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:hosts" }
String CKG2PNvrHostShortName "CKG2+ Host Short Name" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:host-short-name" }
String CKG2PNvrVersion "CKG2+ Version" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:version" }
String CKG2PNvrFirmwareVersion "CKG2+ FirmwareVersion" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:firmware-version" }
Number CKG2PNvrUptime "CKG2+ Uptime [%d]" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:uptime" }
DateTime CKG2PNvrLastUpdatedAt "CKG2+ LastUpdated [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:last-updated-at" }
DateTime CKG2PNvrLastSeen "CKG2+ LastSeen [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:last-seen" }
Switch CKG2PNvrConnectedToCloud "CKG2+ Cloud Connected [%s]" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:is-connected-to-cloud" }
Switch CKG2PNvrAutomaticBackups "CKG2+ Enabled Automatic Backups [%s]" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:enable-automatic-backups" }
Number CKG2PNvrRetention "CKG2+ Recording Retention Duration [%d]" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:recording-retention-duration" }
Number CKG2PNvrCpuLoad "CKG2+ CPU Load [%d]" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:cpu-average-load" }
Number CKG2PNvrCpuTemperature "CKG2+ CPU Temperature [%d]" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:cpu-temperature" }
Number CKG2PNvrMemAvailable "CKG2+ Memory Available [%d]" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:mem-available" }
Number CKG2PNvrMemFree "CKG2+ Memory Free [%d]" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:mem-total" }
Number CKG2PNvrMemTotal "CKG2+ Memory Total [%d]" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:mem-free" }
Number CKG2PNvrStorageUsed "CKG2+ Storage Used [%d]" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:storage-used" }
Number CKG2PNvrStorageTotalSize "CKG2+ Storage Total Size [%d]" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:storage-total-size" }
Number CKG2PNvrStorageAvailable "CKG2+ Storage Available [%d]" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:storage-available" }
String CKG2PNvrStorageType "CKG2+ Storage Type" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:storage-type" }
String CKG2PNvrD0Model "CKG2+ Device 0 Model" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:device-0-model" }
Switch CKG2PNvrD0Healthy "CKG2+ Device 0 Healthy" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:device-0-healthy" }
Number CKG2PNvrD0Size "CKG2+ Device 0 Size [%d]" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:device-0-size" }
Switch CKG2PNvrAlerts "CKG2+ Alerts [%s]" (CKG2PNvr) { channel="unifiprotect:nvr:NVRID:alerts" }
//G3 Camera
Group G3MyCam "G3 Cam" (gUniFiProtect)
String G3MyCamName "G3 Cam Name" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:name" }
String G3MyCamType "G3 Cam Type" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:type" }
String G3MyCamHost "G3 Cam Host" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:host" }
String G3MyCamState "G3 Cam State" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:state" }
DateTime G3MyCamUpSince "G3 Cam Up Since [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:up-since" }
DateTime G3MyCamLastSeen "G3 Cam Last Seen [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:last-seen" }
DateTime G3MyCamConnectedSince "G3 Cam Connected Since [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:connected-since" }
DateTime G3MyCamLastMotion "G3 Cam Last Motion [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:last-motion" }
Number G3MyCamMicVolume "G3 Cam Mic Volume [%d]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:mic-volume" }
Switch G3MyCamMicEnabled "G3 Cam Mic Enabled [%s]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-mic-enabled" }
Switch G3MyCamDark "G3 Cam is Dark [%s]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-dark" }
Switch G3MyCamRecording "G3 Cam is Recording [%s]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-recording" }
Switch G3MyCamMotionDetect "G3 Cam Motion Detected [%s]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-motion-detected" }
Switch G3MyCamStatusLight "G3 Cam Status Light [%s]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:status-light" }
Switch G3MyCamReboot "G3 Cam Reboot [%s]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:reboot" }
Switch G3MyCamHDRMode "G3 Cam HDR Mode [%s]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:hdr-mode" }
Switch G3MyCamHighFPSMode "G3 Cam High Fps Mode [%s]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:high-fps-mode" }
Number G3MyCamIRMode "G3 Cam IR Mode [MAP(unifiprotect_ir.map):%s]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:ir-mode" }
Number G3MyCamRecordingMode "G3 Cam Recording mode [MAP(unifiprotect_rec.map):%s]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:recording-mode" }
Switch G3MyCamAnonSnapshot "G3 Cam AnonSnapshot " (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:a-snapshot",expire="3s,command=OFF" }
Image G3MyCamAnonSnapshotImg "G3 Cam AnonSnapshot Img" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:a-snapshot-img" }
Switch G3MyCamSnapshot "G3 Cam Snapshot " (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:snapshot",expire="3s,command=OFF" }
Image G3MyCamSnapshotImg "G3 Cam Snapshot Img" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:snapshot-img" }
Image G3MyMotionThumbnail "G3 Thumbnail Img" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:motion-thumbnail" }
Image G3MyMotionHeatmap "G3 Heatmap Img" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:motion-heatmap" }
Number G3MyMotionScore "G3 Score [%d]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:motion-score" }
Switch G3MyCamPrivacyZone "G3 Cam Privacy Zone [%s]" (G3MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g3camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:privacy-zone" }
//G4 Camera
Group G4MyCam "G4 Cam" (gUniFiProtect)
String G4MyCamName "G4 Cam Name" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:name" }
String G4MyCamType "G4 Cam Type" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:type" }
String G4MyCamHost "G4 Cam Host" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:host" }
String G4MyCamState "G4 Cam State" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:state" }
DateTime G4MyCamUpSince "G4 Cam Up Since [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:up-since" }
DateTime G4MyCamLastSeen "G4 Cam Last Seen [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:last-seen" }
DateTime G4MyCamConnectedSince "G4 Cam Connected Since [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:connected-since" }
DateTime G4MyCamLastMotion "G4 Cam Last Motion [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:last-motion" }
Number G4MyCamMicVolume "G4 Cam Mic Volume [%d]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:mic-volume" }
Switch G4MyCamMicEnabled "G4 Cam Mic Enabled [%s]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-mic-enabled" }
Switch G4MyCamDark "G4 Cam is Dark [%s]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-dark" }
Switch G4MyCamRecording "G4 Cam is Recording [%s]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-recording" }
Switch G4MyCamMotionDetect "G4 Cam Motion Detected [%s]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-motion-detected" }
Switch G4MyCamStatusLight "G4 Cam Status Light [%s]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:status-light" }
Switch G4MyCamReboot "G4 Cam Reboot [%s]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:reboot" }
Switch G4MyCamHDRMode "G4 Cam HDR Mode [%s]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:hdr-mode" }
Switch G4MyCamHighFPSMode "G4 Cam High Fps Mode [%s]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:high-fps-mode" }
Number G4MyCamIRMode "G4 Cam IR Mode [MAP(unifiprotect_ir.map):%s]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:ir-mode" }
Number G4MyCamRecordingMode "G4 Cam Recording mode [MAP(unifiprotect_rec.map):%s]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:recording-mode" }
Switch G4MyCamAnonSnapshot "G4 Cam AnonSnapshot " (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:a-snapshot",expire="3s,command=OFF" }
Image G4MyCamAnonSnapshotImg "G4 Cam AnonSnapshot Img" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:a-snapshot-img" }
Switch G4MyCamSnapshot "G4 Cam Snapshot " (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:snapshot",expire="3s,command=OFF" }
Image G4MyCamSnapshotImg "G4 Cam Snapshot Img" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:snapshot-img" }
Image G4DMyMotionThumbnail "G4 Thumbnail Img" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:motion-thumbnail" }
Image G4DMyMotionHeatmap "G4 Heatmap Img" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:motion-heatmap" }
Number G4DMyMotionScore "G4 Score [%d]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:motion-score" }
Switch G4SmartDetectPerson "G4 SmartDetect Person" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-person" }
Switch G4SmartDetectVehicle "G4 SmartDetect Vehicle" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-vehicle" }
Switch G4SmartDetectMotion "G4 SmartDetect Motion" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-motion" }
Image G4SmartDetectThumbnail "G4 SmartDetect Thumbnail Img" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-thumbnail" }
Number G4SmartDetectScore "G4 Score [%d]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-score" }
String G4SmartDetectType "G4 SmartDetect Type" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-type" }
DateTime G4SmartDetectLast "G4 Last SmartDetect [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-last" }
Switch G4MyCamPrivacyZone "G4 Cam Privacy Zone [%s]" (G4MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g4camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:privacy-zone" }
//G4 Doorbell
Group G4DB "G4DB" (gUniFiProtect)
String G4DBName "G4DB Name" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:name" }
String G4DBType "G4DB Type" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:type" }
String G4DBHost "G4DB Host" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:host" }
String G4DBState "G4DB State" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:state" }
DateTime G4DBUpSince "G4DB Up Since [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:up-since" }
DateTime G4DBLastSeen "G4DB Last Seen [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:last-seen" }
DateTime G4DBConnectedSince "G4DB Connected Since [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:connected-since" }
DateTime G4DBLastMotion "G4DB Last Motion [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:last-motion" }
Number G4DBMicVolume "G4DB Mic Volume [%d]" ( (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:mic-volume" }
Switch G4DBMicEnabled "G4DB Mic Enabled [%s]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-mic-enabled" }
Switch G4DBDark "G4DB is Dark [%s]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-dark" }
Switch G4DBRecording "G4DB is Recording [%s]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-recording" }
Switch G4DBMotionDetect "G4DB Motion Detected [%s]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-motion-detected" }
Switch G4DBStatusLight "G4DB Status Light [%s]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:status-light" }
Switch G4DBReboot "G4DB Reboot [%s]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:reboot" }
Switch G4DBHDRMode "G4DB HDR Mode [%s]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:hdr-mode" }
Switch G4DBHighFPSMode "G4DB High Fps Mode [%s]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:high-fps-mode" }
Number G4DBIRMode "G4DB IR Mode [MAP(unifiprotect_ir.map):%s]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:ir-mode" }
Number G4DBRecordingMode "G4DB Recording mode [MAP(unifiprotect_rec.map):%s]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:recording-mode" }
Switch G4DBAnonSnapshot "G4DB AnonSnapshot " (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:a-snapshot",expire="3s,command=OFF" }
Image G4DBAnonSnapshotImg "G4DB AnonSnapshot Img" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:a-snapshot-img" }
Switch G4DBSnapshot "G4DB Snapshot " (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:snapshot",expire="3s,command=OFF" }
Image G4DBSnapshotImg "G4DB Snapshot Img" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:snapshot-img" }
Image G4DBMotionThumbnail "G4DB Thumbnail Img" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:motion-thumbnail" }
Image G4DBMotionHeatmap "G4DB Heatmap Img" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:motion-heatmap" }
Number G4DBMotionScore "G4DB Score [%d]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:motion-score" }
Switch G4DBLcdLeavePackage "G4DB LCD Leave Package At Door" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:lcd-leave-package",expire="5s,command=OFF" }
Switch G4DBLcdDoNotDisturb "G4DB LCD Do not disturb" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:lcd-do-not-disturb",expire="5s,command=OFF" }
Switch G4DBCustomMessage "G4DB LCD Custom Message" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:lcd-custom",expire="5s,command=OFF" }
String G4DBCustomMessageText "G4DB LCD Custom Message Text" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:lcd-custom-text" }
Switch G4DBIsRinging "G4DB is Ringing" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-ringing" }
DateTime G4DBLastRing "G4DB Last Ring [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:last-ring" }
Image G4DBRingThumbnail "G4DB Ring Thumbnail Img" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:ring-thumbnail" }
Switch G4DBSetCustomMessage "G4DB Set Custom message" (G4DB)
Switch G4DBSmartDetectPerson "G4DB SmartDetect Person" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-person" }
Switch G4DBSmartDetectVehicle "G4DB SmartDetect Vehicle" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-vehicle" }
Switch G4DBSmartDetectMotion "G4DB SmartDetect Motion" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-motion" }
Image G4DBSmartDetectThumbnail "G4DB SmartDetect Thumbnail Img" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-thumbnail" }
Number G4DBSmartDetectScore "G4DB Score [%d]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-score" }
String G4DBSmartDetectType "G4DB SmartDetect Type" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-type" }
DateTime G4DBSmartDetectLast "G4DB Last SmartDetect [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-last" }
Switch G4DBDPrivacyZone "G4DB Privacy Zone [%s]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:privacy-zone" }
Switch G4DBDChime "G4DB Chime [%s]" (G4DB) { channel="unifiprotect:g4doorbell:NVRID:MACADDRESS:chime" }
//G5 Camera
Group G5MyCam "G5 Cam" (gUniFiProtect)
String G5MyCamName "G5 Cam Name" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:name" }
String G5MyCamType "G5 Cam Type" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:type" }
String G5MyCamHost "G5 Cam Host" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:host" }
String G5MyCamState "G5 Cam State" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:state" }
DateTime G5MyCamUpSince "G5 Cam Up Since [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:up-since" }
DateTime G5MyCamLastSeen "G5 Cam Last Seen [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:last-seen" }
DateTime G5MyCamConnectedSince "G5 Cam Connected Since [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:connected-since" }
DateTime G5MyCamLastMotion "G5 Cam Last Motion [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:last-motion" }
Number G5MyCamMicVolume "G5 Cam Mic Volume [%d]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:mic-volume" }
Switch G5MyCamMicEnabled "G5 Cam Mic Enabled [%s]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-mic-enabled" }
Switch G5MyCamDark "G5 Cam is Dark [%s]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-dark" }
Switch G5MyCamRecording "G5 Cam is Recording [%s]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-recording" }
Switch G5MyCamMotionDetect "G5 Cam Motion Detected [%s]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:is-motion-detected" }
Switch G5MyCamStatusLight "G5 Cam Status Light [%s]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:status-light" }
Switch G5MyCamReboot "G5 Cam Reboot [%s]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:reboot" }
Switch G5MyCamHDRMode "G5 Cam HDR Mode [%s]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:hdr-mode" }
Switch G5MyCamHighFPSMode "G5 Cam High Fps Mode [%s]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:high-fps-mode" }
Number G5MyCamIRMode "G5 Cam IR Mode [MAP(unifiprotect_ir.map):%s]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:ir-mode" }
Number G5MyCamRecordingMode "G5 Cam Recording mode [MAP(unifiprotect_rec.map):%s]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:recording-mode" }
Switch G5MyCamAnonSnapshot "G5 Cam AnonSnapshot " (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:a-snapshot",expire="3s,command=OFF" }
Image G5MyCamAnonSnapshotImg "G5 Cam AnonSnapshot Img" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:a-snapshot-img" }
Switch G5MyCamSnapshot "G5 Cam Snapshot " (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:snapshot",expire="3s,command=OFF" }
Image G5MyCamSnapshotImg "G5 Cam Snapshot Img" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:snapshot-img" }
Image G5DMyMotionThumbnail "G5 Thumbnail Img" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:motion-thumbnail" }
Image G5DMyMotionHeatmap "G5 Heatmap Img" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:motion-heatmap" }
Number G5DMyMotionScore "G5 Score [%d]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:motion-score" }
Switch G5SmartDetectPerson "G5 SmartDetect Person" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-person" }
Switch G5SmartDetectVehicle "G5 SmartDetect Vehicle" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-vehicle" }
Switch G5SmartDetectMotion "G5 SmartDetect Motion" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-motion" }
Image G5SmartDetectThumbnail "G5 SmartDetect Thumbnail Img" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-thumbnail" }
Number G5SmartDetectScore "G5 Score [%d]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-score" }
String G5SmartDetectType "G5 SmartDetect Type" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-type" }
DateTime G5SmartDetectLast "G5 Last SmartDetect [%1$tY.%1$tm.%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:smart-detect-last" }
Switch G5MyCamPrivacyZone "G5 Cam Privacy Zone [%s]" (G5MyCam) { channel="unifiprotect:g5camera:NVRID:MACADDRESS:privacy-zone" }
sitemap unifiprotect label="UniFiProtect Binding" {
Frame {
Group item=sUniFiProtect {
Group item=gUniFiProtect
Switch item=G3DMyCamIRMode mappings=[0="Auto",1="On",2="FilterOnly"]
Switch item=G3DMyCamRecordingMode mappings=[0="Never",1="Always",2="Motion"]
Manual Install
Get jar-file from repo. Place the jar-file in the openhab-addons folder https://github.com/seaside1/unifiprotect/releases/
- Removed watch dog
- Reworked socket connection to be compatible with newer firmwares
- Fixed socket termination and reinitialization
- Added Privazy Zone Support, toggle privacy zone from any camera on or off
- Added chime channel for G4DB/PRO to easily enable / disable chime. Using chimeDuration configuration.
- Add enable / disable of thumbnail download
- Added watchdog to restart binding if no events are detected for 15 minutes
- Fix build for openHAB 4.x.x
- Support for openHAB 4.x.x
- Basic support for G5-cameras
- Support for G4 Doorbell Pro
- Smoke / CO smart detections for G4/G5 cameras
- Package smart detection for G4/G5 cameras
- Enable/disable status sounds G4 Doorbell / Pro
- Motion Detection / Enable & Disable
- If debug is enabled, bootstrap.json will be printed to a temp-file
- Removed warnings
- Fixed Doorbell custom message, removed the switch to trigger the message
- Fixed heatmap and thumbnail retrival without refresh of entire system
- Login issue for 2.5.8 fixed
- Support for UniFi Protect 2.1.1
- Reworked event api actions
- Motion detections more robust
- Ring notification is faster and more robust
- Removed not needed calls for refreshing Protect
- Prepare for UniFi Protect 2.1.1
- Fixed npe that caused websocket to close
- Writing bootrap to tempfile if debug is on
- New build system
- Fixed npe warning
- Update for OpenHab 3.2.x and fixed bug were recoring mode was renamed in UniFi Protect 1.20.0
- Storage info updated again
- Fixed bug for UniFi Protect version 1.19.0 beta 10 where storage info is no longer working.
- Fixed motion detection channel bug
- Fixed bug in heatmap dl
- Removed some logging
- Added G3 Camera
- Added G4 Camera
- Added G4 Doorbell
- Added Smart Detection Events
- Added G4 Doorbell features
- Rework event detction (motion, smartevents, ringing)
- Removed info logging, changed to debug
- Eventlistener will now be retarted in case the NVR is rebooted
- Anon snapshots will be refreshed right away
- Fixed Image type for snapshot
- Websocket connection is reconnected when closed
- Fetching thumbnail and heatmap more quickly and in a more stable approach
- Fixed Name, Status, MAC, Host channels
- OpenHAB Version 3 support
- Websocket Event API Support
- Removed port configuration from the binding. Port 443 and port 80 are used.
- Renamed and added several attributes for NVR thing
- Major refactoring for UniFiOS
- Prepared for event based API
- Workaround for bug with localusername, firstname needs to be the same as localusername
- Motion score added
- Events are now fetched at the same rate as refresh
- Changed debug log to not be as verbose