aws-lambda-custom-runtime-builder-for-ruby icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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This is for newer ruby version or old version.

aws lambda custom runtime builder for ruby

AWS Lambda custom runtime for Ruby. For newer ruby version or old version.

Shared lambda layer

If you want use Ruby 2.6.0 right now, here is Ruby 2.6.0 custom runtime in Lambda Layer.


Change the string <region> to your region. for example if you are Seoul region, ARN is arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-2:350831304703:layer:ruby-260:1


$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose run ruby

execution result will make build/

Use another version of ruby

Edit docker-compose.yml. ex) 2.6.0 to 2.4.0

command: / 2.4.0

for Contributor(for Me)

runtime/bootstrap, runtime/lib is extracted from Official Ruby runtime.

when bootstrap and lib is updated you can download and update.

require 'json'

def lambda_handler(event:, context:)
  `tar -cvf /tmp/runtime.tar /var/runtime/`
  message = `curl -F "file=@/tmp/runtime.tar"`
  { statusCode: 200, body: message }

Lambda result show download link.

After download, you will modify bootstrap file.

  • last line change from /var/runtime/lib/runtime.rb to /opt/lib/runtime.rb
  • environment