@jkandasa Thank you. I have installed the new snapshot version. I will monitor over next few days
@jkandasa Logs showing a lot of errors. Not sure if all are related to this issue. Here is log : ``` 2018-11-28 13:09:24,955 INFO [main] [org.mycontroller.standalone.StartApp:101] ****************************************** Data Processing Agreement...
@jkandasa What sort of issue could I have with MQTT gateway? I have 2 gateways setup. Both seem to be working fine. It seems to me the key here is...
@jkandasa Here is a snippet of the logs some more errors. ``` 2018-11-28 15:12:50,033 ERROR [Quartz_Scheduler_Worker-1] [org.mycontroller.standalone.db.dao.BaseAbstractDaoImpl:431] unable to get all items key:resourceType, value:GATEWAY org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: General error: "java.lang.NullPointerException" [50000-194] at...
@jkandasa I only have 7 nodes. One node is setup as a 2nd gateway so as to use an ESP8266 without radio. If I disable this gateway it still logs...
@jkandasa 1. I am running headless - no desktop 2. not much CPU / resources is used by node-red. All is taken by Java / MyController. See screenshot below. WeatherUnderground...
@jkandasa - yes, most of the time - I am not too sure what is "binary" data. I assumed on/off values from "binary" value sensors. This I want to keep...
@jkandasa Perhaps also there is something wrong with my database. Here is says "Column "registrationState" not found" ``` 2018-11-28 16:08:31,931 ERROR [mc-th-pool-2] [org.mycontroller.standalone.provider.ResourcesLogger:209] Error on MessageImpl(gatewayId=66, nodeEui=0, sensorId=1, type=Set, subType=Voltage,...
@jkandasa Where do i put the "-Xmx512m" ? is that in the script?
@jkandasa I've emailed database backup to you and increased the heap MAX setting in