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The purpose of this project is to distribute the PFE Dynamics Core Library for Dynamics CRM source code to the customer/partner community. We developed this library in response to requests from custom...

"Just what I need, another CRM SDK library." @_@

We know you're thinking that, because we would be too. We promise, no intention to reinvent the wheel, over-engineer, or self-aggrandize here. Rather, we hope that openly sharing the result of our journey, educating and mentoring others, will at best offer you insight into new techniques or at a minimum, validate what you already know.

Project Description

The purpose of this project is to distribute the PFE Dynamics Core Library for Dynamics CRM source code to the customer/partner community. We developed this library in response to requests from customers and partners for whom we've delivered sample/prototype solutions built on Dynamics CRM that serve an educational purpose. In delivering those solutions, we repeatedly encountered the need to implement known best-practices when authenticating and interacting with CRM services regardless of the solution context. Since consolidating those techniques into a reusable library, we've seen customer and partners' solutions that reference our library simultaneously increase performance and reduce code.

Release History
Known Issues
NuGet Packages

As an alternative to downloading the binaries or source code from this project, you can get signed versions of V8 (2016), V7 (2015), V6 (2013) and V5 (2011) libraries via NuGet packages:


Please let us know what's working, what isn't, as well as suggestions for new capabilities by submitting a new issue


In addition to providing feedback on this project site, we'd love to hear directly from you! See what we're up to via our MSDN blog, CRM in the Field or follow us on Twitter: @maustinjones, @seanmcne, @pfedynamics