snap copied to clipboard
How To Make a Simple iPhone Playing Card Game with Multiplayer and Bluetooth in Rubymotion
How To Make a Simple iPhone Playing Card Game with Multiplayer and Bluetooth
Snap! is an example game by Matthijs Hollemans (@mhollemans). it's a part of tutorials on tutarials page. for more information goto the page. This is only the implementation of the Part 1, the tutorial still being updated. If you're really interested, you can pick it from here and keep following the tutorials and finalize the game.
I thinks it's a great example to learn the iOS SDK and an even better, method to lern to read Objective-C to make great Rubymotions apps.
There is a xcode probject 'shadow' which respectively contains the XIB files for each UIViewControllers, this should facilitate customizing the UI for the app.
Thanks to Matthijs Hollemans for the great tutorial and thanks Ray Wenderlich for :-)
if you want to learn more about iOS Programming, you should visit raywenderlich Tutorials go now!!!