Sean Eagan

Results 76 issues of Sean Eagan

``` dart test('passing no values yields default value when defined', () { var optionValue; return new FunctionScript(({@Option(allowMultiple: true, defaultsTo: 'x') option}) { optionValue = option; }).execute([]).then((_) { expect(optionValue, ['x']); });...

especially when the Positional has no valueHelp

foo.dart: ``` dart foo({@Flag(abbr: 'v') int verbose}) => print(verbose); ``` ``` shell foo.dart -vvv # prints "3" ```

``` dart script( {@Environmental() int serverPort, }) ``` Instead of server-port (as with cli options), this would imply a SERVER_PORT environment variable. What is the environment variable doesn't exist ?...


When dart supports enums, it should be possible to annotate a parameter as an enum, and have the "allowed" configuration automatically set. May need to provide configuration of how the...

help wanted