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A pubspec authoring tool.

Results 14 den issues
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Here's my shell as it crashed. Never used the tool before so I'm not sure what I did wrong. ``` $ den spec Please answer the prompts below to update...

``` sh ~ $ den fetch dar^IUnhandled exception: Uncaught Error: Invalid argument(s): No package root (containing pubspec.yaml) found in hierarchy of path: /home/me Stack Trace: #0 Pubspec._getPackageRoot (package:den_api/src/pubspec.dart:336) #1 Pubspec.load...

![screen shot 2015-05-12 at 7 09 39 pm](

It took me a while to understand that pull means upgrade. Also, the --help text of `Update any outdated dependencies` is misleading... it made me think that it tries to...

Minor thing, but probably should not throw exception when no package found... $pub global run den install logger packageName: logger Unhandled exception: Uncaught Error: The null object does not have...

initial yaml: ``` yaml dependencies: git: ``` After running `den install prompt`: ``` yaml dependencies: prompt:null ```


Create unittests for commands: - [ ] install - [ ] uninstall - [ ] fetch - [ ] spec - [ ] pull

To do all the following while preserving the pubspec's formatting: - create pubspec with nice defaults - update pubspec - install / uninstall dependencies - show outdated status of /...