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Safe communication between main process and renderer processes in Electron

DEPRECATED: Use Electron ipc within preload script instead

Because of several problems (such as this issue or this limitation), I decided to deprecate electron-safe-ipc.

Instead, I recommend using Electron ipc API within preload scripts.

electron-safe-ipc npm version

electron-safe-ipc is a safe communication library between the main process and renderer processes in Electron.

"Safe" means:

  • Works even when node-integration == false in renderer processes
  • Works without JS object instance sharing

It uses:

  • JSON to pack data
  • Electron protocol to send message to main process
  • Electron WebContents.executeJavaScript to send message to renderer process

Used in Wantedly, Inc.


npm install --save electron-safe-ipc


Main process

// in main
var ipc = require("electron-safe-ipc/host");

ipc.on("fromRenderer", function (a, b) {
  console.log("fromRenderer received", a, b);
ipc.send("fromMain", 1, 2);

Renderer process

Node style

If "node-integration" is disabled, use bundling tools (e.g., browserify).

var ipc = require("electron-safe-ipc/guest");

ipc.on("fromMain", function (a, b) {
  ipc.send("fromRenderer", a, b);

Traditional style (UMD)

<script src="path/to/node_modules/electron-safe-ipc/guest-bundle.js"></script>
  electronSafeIpc.on("fromMain", function (a1, a2) {
    electronSafeIpc.send("fromRenderer", a1, a2);

Communicate between renderer process and <webview>

You can use electron-safe-ipc to communicate between renderer processes and webviews.

LIMITATION: you cannot use "electron-safe-ipc/host-webview" multiple times (e.g., reloading renderer window or using multiple windows not supported).

// in renderer
var ipc = require("electron-safe-ipc/host-webview");

ipc.on("fromWebview", function (a, b) {
  console.log("fromWebview received", a, b);
ipc.send("fromRenderer", 1, 2);
<!-- in webview -->
<script src="path/to/node_modules/electron-safe-ipc/guest-bundle.js"></script>
  electronSafeIpc.on("fromRenderer", function (a1, a2) {
    electronSafeIpc.send("fromWebview", a1, a2);


ipc is an EventEmitter.

ipc.send(channel: string, ...args)

Send a message between processes.

The arguments are packed into JSON.

The message is sent to all renderer processes when you call this from the main process.

ipc.on(channel: string, callback: (...args) => void)

Receive messages.

Other EventEmitter methods can also be used to listen to messages.

ipc.request(requestName: string, ...args): Promise

Sends a request to the other side and get the response as Promise.

var ipc = require("electron-safe-ipc/guest");

ipc.request("add", 1, 2)
  .then(function(res) {

ipc.request("wait", 1000)
  .then(function(res) {
    console.log("waited 1000 ms");

ipc.respond(requestName: string, responder: (...args) => Promise|any)

Registers a responder for the request. responder can return both Promise and normal values.

var ipc = require("electron-safe-ipc/host");

ipc.respond("add", function (a, b) {
  return a + b;

ipc.respond("wait", function (ms) {
  return new Promise(function (resolve) {
    setTimeout(resolve, ms);