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Custom model fields that make de-normalizing data in Django easier


django-filch allows you to de-normalize data in Django models in a simple way. Add filch to your INSTALLED_APPS then all you have to do is add a field to the model that you want to contain de-normalized data.

Right now django-flich only contains a field that will store in the database a json serialized copy of many-to-many data. When the field is accessed it will automatically convert the data in the database to normal python.

DenormManyToManyField(from_field, attrs)

from_field: string. Name of the ManyToManyField on the same model that you want to de-normalize.

attrs: list, tuple, string, or callable. Attrs should be attributes of the model used in the many-to-many. If a string is provided it will be converted to a list for you. If you provide a callable it will be passed an instance of the model and should return a dict of attributes and values.

from django.db import models

from filch.fields import DenormManyToManyField

class Group(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50)

class Person(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) groups = models.ManyToManyField(Group) group_list = DenormManyToManyField('groups', ('name',))

person = Person.objects.create(name='sean') group = Group.obejcts.create(name='PyChi')

person.groups.add(group) person.group_list [{'name': 'PyChi'}] = 'Djangonauts' person.group_list [{'name': 'Djangonauts'}]

person.groups.remove(group) person.group_list []