Vincent Zhang

Results 247 comments of Vincent Zhang

Wired! Can you please try evaluating the snippet below? ```elisp (doom-modeline-def-segment selection-info "Information about the current selection, such as how many characters and lines are selected, or the NxM dimensions...

Sorry, correct the snippet: ```elisp (doom-modeline-def-segment selection-info "Information about the current selection, such as how many characters and lines are selected, or the NxM dimensions of a block selection." (when...

I did some troubleshootings today, and found the root cause is `region-begining` and `region-end` weren't updated timely in this case. No idea how to address it.

`region-begining` and `region-end` are built-in C functions. Try this snippet: ```elisp (doom-modeline-def-segment selection-info (when (and (or mark-active (and (bound-and-true-p evil-local-mode) (eq evil-state 'visual))) (doom-modeline--active)) (format " %d %d" (region-beginning) (region-end))))...

That demonstrates `(region-beginning)` and `(region-end)` are not changed while moving the cursor in the region. I am not sure if it's as designed. I am afraid having to inquiry to...

It may be displayed by other minor modes. Can you check what minor modes you are using?

`[Compiling]` seems an indicator of a process. I guess it's related to `tex-pdf-mode`? I am not using it, so cannot reproduce.

It's easy to define a new segment and integrate into `doom-modeline`. I'm pleasure to do that, but I am not using LaTeX. Another option is using flycheck to check latex...

Well, I think the similar requirements were discussed in #312. Fair enough, it's very hard to calculate the width in realtime. Negative impacts to the performance. `(setq doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style 'auto)` is...

I am afraid more bugs come out If the width is inaccurate 😢 BTW, window resize hook is not enough apparently. Need more PoC here.