ie: cube = new Cube( { size:20 center: [true, true, false] }).color([0.9,0.5,0.1, 1]) cyl = new Cylinder( { r:5 h:30 }).color([1, 0.127, 0.127, 0.5]) shape = cube.union(cyl) assembly.add(shape) the whole...
might be a tricky one to fix depending on how subtract works. ideally if transparency is given on the part its subtracting, it should show the part its subtracting. though...
Whenever I want to try get a simple project started quickly I end up either going around in circles trying to get it working, or copy pasta/cargo culting in a...
I get a ``` System.Net.Sockets.SocketException The descriptor is not a socket ``` when I ```Start();``` on a NetPeer object. this only happens while running debug, and if I continue it...
Asking for two things here, I'm trying to debug some funky results in an expression which is using formulas, ie the string expression: `"Ability('Mass') * 1000000 * TechData('8557acb9-c764-44e7-8ee4-db2c2cebf0bc')"` This is...