Stephan Rave

Results 176 comments of Stephan Rave

If these Gramians are more related to BT then they are to the `Model` itself, I would keep the code in the `bt` module. It's not super elegant, but you...

Ok, so let me explain the situation for the RB reductors: there are currently five reductors, `StationaryRBReductor`, `InstationaryRBReductor`, `CoerciveRBReductors`, `SimpleCoerciveRBReductor`, `ParabolicRBReductor`. All these reductors do, is build a reduced-order `Model`...

> > I like this modularity and would not fancy a `GreedyCoerciveRBReductor` (and all further combinations) or a `CoerciveRBSuperReductor` with tons of options for selecting and controlling various basis generation...

> > For instance, one might distinguish between 'projectors' (which would correspond to my current idea of reductors) and 'reduction schemes'. > > [...] > > From my perspective, `rb_greedy`...

> > Don't you think it is a bit weird that most (all?) of the sysmor reductors internally instantiate another reductor to perform the projection (and nothing else). That your...

At the dev meeting we have decided to look into this for the next release.

The change from numpy to scipy was introduced due to #417. If we also want the NumPy-Version for performance reasons, we might consider adding corresponding `solver_options` to support both. In...

We didn't discuss this issue at yesterday's dev meeting. I will tag it for next year's release.

On my machine I also see a factor of 1.5 to 2 for dimensions between 10 and 100. Since we solve many equations systems of this size in the ROMs,...

I had a glance at [1]. Do I understand correctly that the only thing preventing us from implementing Q-DEIM is that we cannot do the mentioned Businger-Golub pivoting through the...