inbedby7pm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
inbedby7pm copied to clipboard

My other theme was for Night Owls like myself. This theme was requested for by the "In Bed by 7pm" crowd

Results 10 inbedby7pm issues
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Reduced transparency a little: "scrollbarSlider.activeBackground": "#191f388f", "scrollbarSlider.background": "#191f386f", "scrollbarSlider.hoverBackground": "#191f387f",

First off - ❤️ this theme! It's my default. I am having issues though seeing the scrollbar thumb in the diff editor. It's doesn't have enough contrast so it makes...

I am on v0.4.0 Love this theme so much, but had to change the way tab highlighting works because my brain would not accept the active tab being darker than...

Whenever I'm using 2 vertical splits, the file tabs' title turns from white to black in the unselected split. ![image](

The sidebar and main editor sections are not accurately distinguishable because of the same background-color. And because of that, it is hard to resize. The scenario is shown in the...

Hello, When there is a git conflict there is one line where the text is unreadable: Normally you can see something like this: ```

The theme is great, but if we could get a bit darker background the text and code will be easier to read. Thanks!!

I duplicated the original theme in a separate commit to make the changes conspicuous. I removed every instance of `"fontStyle": "italic"` except those found in markup, specifically: - `markup.italic` -...

Would really love if there is a bit of a color difference for different object properties. ![Object](

Hello and thank you for a great theme. This is found on **version 0.3.3**. When selecting text in for example the Find & Replace fields, the background color of the...