
Results 13 comments of 李明伟

problem: 1.Not translated 2.Duplicate text 3.Missing words thanks

@guillaumekln yeah, about 4 million。I have used the Mecab tool to do the tokenize

@guillaumekln ,sorry, I forgot. it have 400W line。The command para:-layers 3 -rnn_size 500

hi @guillaumekln Yes, When I translate a length of a sentence, I always omit some content.

Hi @guillaumekln Can I turn off the caching mechanism? We have a lot of request connections. Frequent cases of low memory. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13164077/48385853-1236ee80-e72b-11e8-932d-c5afc3553051.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13164077/48385861-20850a80-e72b-11e8-8d42-897f009615cf.png) Now I'm in a situation where the...

Hi @guillaumekln , I shouldn't have set it up. Excuse me, how should I do it?

It doesn't look like it has any effect. @guillaumekln

Hi @francoishernandez It's like a set of numbers in the picture below. In the opennmt-lua version, it can get it with -withAttn ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13164077/78318301-f853b100-7596-11ea-87b6-9ae48d5fc9c9.png)

Hi snukky, Thank you for your support. `./build/marian --train-sets /Marian/1_ForTrain/TagRemoved_Source_Train_2560035.tok.en /Marian/1_ForTrain/TagRemoved_Target_Train_2560035.tok.de --vocabs /Marian/source_vocab.yml /Marian/target_vocab.yml --model /Marian/pre-train_model.npz --devices 0 --dim-emb 500 --after-epochs 13 --max-length 70 --max-length-crop` The training file has 2560035...

HI emjotde, I build the vocabularies with the /build/marian-vocab command. Commas and periods don't do word breaks. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13164077/70404825-31ab6280-1a76-11ea-8cfc-bd2f04cb3840.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13164077/70404843-40921500-1a76-11ea-8180-3cf1cede7f91.png)