write-you-a-haskell copied to clipboard
some character, "λ" and "≡"
Thank you for your great work :-)
The following line's "λ" can be displayed in HTML, but can not be displayed correctly in PDF. (Please ignore if my environment dependent)
003_lambda_calculus.md, line 358 (at pdf p.50):
$$ \mathtt{let}\ a = e\ \mathtt{in}\ b \quad := \quad (λa.b) e $$
$$ \mathtt{let}\ a = e\ \mathtt{in}\ b \quad := \quad (\lambda a.b) e $$
The following lines' "λ" and "≡" can be displayed in HTML, but can not be displayed correctly in PDF.
005_evaluation.md, line 84 (at pdf p.69)
(\x. \y. y x) (2 + 2) λx. x + 1
005_evaluation.md, line 173 (at pdf p.71)
=> (\y.y (2 + 2)) λx. x + 1
006_hindley_milner.md, line 1286 (at pdf p.101)
λ: main
007_path.md, line 272-277 (at pdf p.109)
λ> id (1+2) 3 λ> :type (>>=) (>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b λ> :set -ddump-rn λ> :load test.fun
007_path.md, line 1235 (at pdf p.126)
f <=< g ≡ \x -> g x >>= f
(Because not yet been able to environment, sorry in this way)
XeLaTeX should handle that fine. The build file looks like it is using XeLaTeX as its engine: https://github.com/sdiehl/write-you-a-haskell/blob/master/Makefile#L42
It might be environment dependent.
xetex supports inline greek characters, although the font that I'm currently using for the monospace font (Source Code Pro) currently doesn't have Greek character support.