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:globe_with_meridians: Easily manage global component z-index


:globe_with_meridians: Easily manage global component z-index

Made with ❤ at @outlandish

npm version

Takes the pain out of managing component zIndex across your application! :heart_eyes:

Check out an example on JSBin.


  • Manage zIndex values in one place
  • Dynamically set the zIndex of components
  • Optionally warns you if a zIndex value is used more than once
  • Component or decorator interface
  • Add new zIndex values with ease
  • Create zIndex values...
    • automatically; generate unique and ordered zIndex values, or
    • manually; define your own zIndex values entirely, or
    • both!

Note: react-z-index does not override stacking contexts.


npm i --save react-z-index
yarn add react-z-index


The library uses ES2015 features so should be used in conjunction with Babel and a bundler for use within the browser environment, e.g. Browserify or Webpack.

// ES2015
import ZIndex from 'react-z-index' // component, util
import { zIndex } from 'react-z-index' // decorator
// CommonJS
var ZIndex = require('react-z-index')
var zIndex = require('react-z-index/decorator')


ZIndex.setVars(vars[, opts])

Optionally initialise react-z-index with a map of names to zIndex values.

  • vars {Object|Array} Map of names to zIndex values or array of names
  • [opts.start] {Number} (optional) Start zIndex for generated values (default: 10)
  • [opts.step] {Number} (optional) Generated index step (default: 10)
  • [opts.warnDuplicate] {Boolean} (optional) Warn if zIndex value used more than once (default: true)

Vars are made available at ZIndex.vars, e.g. ZIndex.vars.Modal.

// Explicit zIndex values
  Modal: 300,
  Overlay: 200,
  Dropdown: 100

// Generated zIndex values
// First element is highest, last element is lowest
// Define explicit indexes using array
  'Modal', //=> 30
  'Overlay', //=> 20
  ['Dropdown', 15], //=> 15
  'Backdrop' //=> 10

// e.g. suppress duplicate zIndex warning
  ['ErrorModal', 100],
  ['WarningModal', 100]
], {
  warnDuplicate: false

ZIndex.setVar(name, value)

Set a new zIndex value.

  • name {String} Name of the value
  • value {Number} zIndex integer

Vars should be treated as constants, so this cannot be used to update the value of a predefined var.

ZIndex.setVar('Modal', 400)


Each component should use exactly one of the following props:

  • index {String|Number|Function} Set zIndex explicitly, by reference to predefined value, or derive from props
  • above {String|Number} Set the zIndex to be above the value
  • below {String|Number} Set the zIndex to be below the value
  • top {Boolean} Set the zIndex to be above all other ZIndex components
  • bottom {Boolean} Set the zIndex to be below all other ZIndex components

Optional additional props:

  • important {Boolean} Set the !important flag on zIndex style value
  • disabled {Boolean} Removes the zIndex style if true

The component will throw if not exactly one of these is given.


import ZIndex from 'react-z-index'

ZIndex.setVars({ Overlay: 100 })

// e.g. toggle component at top of document using "top", "important", "disabled"
<ZIndex top important disabled={this.props.display}>
  <Modal />

// e.g. place component at derived zIndex using "index"
<ZIndex index={(props) => props.modal.priority * 100}>
  <Modal />
// e.g. place component underneath something else using "below"
<ZIndex below={ZIndex.vars.Overlay}> // style['z-index'] => 99
  <Modal />


@zIndex(value<String,Number,Function>) : Component

When value is...

  • a Number, sets the zIndex of a component to a constant:


  • a Function, derives the zIndex of a component from its props:

    @zIndex((props) => props.modal.priority * 100)

  • a String, sets the zIndex of a component by reference to a predefined var:


Returns a React component.


import { zIndex } from 'react-z-index'

return class Modal extends Component {
  render () {
    return (
      <div className='modal'>


If you would like to use only the map of zIndex values you can do that too.

import ZIndex from 'react-z-index'

// Inform lib of the value so we can pick it up 
// elsewhere in the app as ZIndex.vars.Modal
const zIndex = ZIndex.setVar('Modal', 100)

class Modal extends Component {
  render () {
    return (
      <div className='modal' style={{ zIndex }}></div>


All pull requests and issues welcome!

If you're not sure how to contribute, check out Kent C. Dodds' great video tutorials on!

Author & License

react-z-index was created by Sam Gluck and is released under the MIT license.