sam detweiler

Results 348 comments of sam detweiler

@ncpleslie @jaumard that would have been a good choice, he added support additional local hotwords recently, but due to a disagreement with another github user has withrdawn all his github...

there are other instances of snowboy

ok, i have a problem,with the last change.. when we do a Sonus.stop, we tell the node-record-lpcm16 module to stop, killing the arecord engine.. but that yanks the stream out...

the error above is fatal, smart-mirror sonus background process crashes, and smart-mirror starts it back up, so now we are out of sequence so, doesn't work.. works great on fast...

never mind, staring me right in the face!.. unpipe the mic! before stop.. it gets repiped on start stop just needs to have the sonus object passed back in (like...

I have a reliable working version now. the restart of arecord (before its .wav file 2 gig limit) needed time to shutdown, and there was a possibility that there could...

on two of my machines, when we do the arecord stop/restart because of the node-record-lpcm16 wav file overflow, the existing process takes over 300 milliseconds to stop. i had created...

I've created a mechanism to talk the background sonus process to allow it to reliquish the microphone. also added mechanism to use the existing plugins the get audio back...