sam detweiler

Results 355 comments of sam detweiler

@CatoAntonsen you can also use the number of the entry instead of the name pm2 restart 0 or if no other impacts 'all' pm2 restart all

yeh, i did local change to use type.. will fix to override that with the actual endpoint.. but how do you tell user specified ? cause its a default value.....

@khassel I think u meant invest (spend energy). it's a tiny thing, for consistency sake

yes, darksky worked with type and weatherProvider no other settings both types worked..

I see that MMM-PIR-Sensor-Lite uses python to get signals.. and installs ok as it doesn't use epoll the major PIR modules all appear archived..

snowboy uses nan latest node usb should be ok, removed nan node-pty uses nan epoll uses nan

ok, I was able to recreate this. it is a bug in the module when the mm config address:'' is set... not a MagicMirror problem apparently the library needs...