akka-streams-summary copied to clipboard
Trying to put together some notes I took about Akka-streams and reactive-streams
2016-11-09: Work In Progress
Akka Streams: A stream processing library
As any streaming library, we have the concept of
- Source (input): create messages
- Channel (flow/stage): messages passing through
- Sink (output): output messages somewhere else (Note: it exists a Sink.ignore to output to a black-hole)
A Shape is a "box" with inputs and outputs, something that "processes" messages. There are some specific kind of shapes:
: the top abstract class for any shape. Contains a empty list of inputs (inlets, which are the input "ports"), and outputs (outlets, which are the output "ports") -
: 0 --> 1 (a Source has a SourceShape, and it's the start of a Graph) -
: 1 --> 0 output only (a Sink has a SinkShape, and it's the end of a Graph) -
: 1 --> 1 -
: 2 <-> 2 (1 --> 1 with 1 <-- 1, bidirectional) -
: 1 --> N (typically a Broadcast) -
: N --> 1 (typically a Merge) -
: Shape with closed inputs and closed outputs that can be materialized (executed). It's just the combinaison of other shapes. Typically, it's a RunnableGraph.
Combining shapes give another shape. ie: a SourceShape + a FlowShape gives a new SourceShape.
In akka-streams, we have also these abstractions that represents the input/output "ports" on the shapes:
for any shape that has outputs (.out
or.out(n: Int)
) -
for any shape that has inputs (.in
or.in(n: Int)
A Graph
is the tiniest Unit in Akka Streams. Everything is a graph. Every graph has a shape (which contains in/out ports).
A Graph
can combines inputs (sources), flows, or outputs (sinks).
A Graph
can be partial (still exposing opened inputs or outputs) or closed (self-sufficient graph, no input, no output).
: Akka Streams specific. Provisions actors to execute a pipeline (a Graph) -
s: ActorMaterializer ... settings. Can have a custom supervision strategy (if exception, Resume, Restart, or Stop), can add logging, can configure thresholds.. -
: A graph is a whole set of Outlet/FlowShape/Inlet linked together, that is closed. - it starts with a Source (using its Outlet), ends with a Sink (using its Inlet)
- It can be stopped anytime using a
Closed Graphs
// this is a Graph that can be run
Source.fromFuture(Future { 2 })
.via(Flow[Int].map(_ * 2))
// this is the same with the full DSL
val g: RunnableGraph[_] = RunnableGraph.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() {
implicit builder =>
val source = builder.add(Source.fromFuture(Future { 2 }))
val multiply = builder.add(Flow[Int].map(_ * 2))
val sink = builder.add(Sink.foreach(println))
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
source ~> multiply ~> sink
We are using the GraphDSL of Akka Streams to define the graph. Sometimes, it's overkilled, when you have a linear flow of data where you could just use the standard .map
and so on.
When the graph is not linear (broadcasting, merging..) then the GraphDSL is nice to use.
Partial Graphs
Here, a Graph that is not closed, not runnable. It just provides an abstraction and create a simple Graph
containing a Flow
shape, that simply acts as a diamond internally:
val diamond: Graph[FlowShape[Int, Int], NotUsed] = GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder =>
val split = builder.add(Balance[Int](2))
val merge = builder.add(Merge[Int](2))
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
split ~> merge
split ~> merge
FlowShape(split.in, merge.out)
Notice the 2 links between split and merge (each has 2 ports). Akka Streams is smart, and will crash if you forget to link your stuff :
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: The inlets [Balance.in] and outlets [Merge.out] must correspond to the inlets [Balance.in, Merge.in1] and outlets [Balance.out1, Merge.out]
To make it useful, we need to create a Flow
from it, then we can use it as any flow:
val diamondGraph: Flow[Int, Int, NotUsed] = Flow.fromGraph(diamond)
// Outputs "5"
A Graph can contains (ie: the builder can return..) any type of Shape we already talk about: SourceShape
, SinkShape
etc. It's just an abstraction using multiple Shapes internally.
For instance, a Source that just expose random numbers (it's useless in this case, but just for demo purpose):
val s = GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder =>
val flow = builder.add(Flow[Double].map(identity)) // look the note below
val ss = Source.fromIterator(() => Iterator.continually(math.random))
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
ss ~> flow
Note that I create a dummy flow because I couldn't return the original source shape:
UnsupportedOperationException: cannot replace the shape of the EmptyModule
(it's not supported because it's stupid!Source.fromIterator
is already doing the job)
Waiting for a RunnableGraph to end
You can get a Future from a Graph only using specific syntax:
// we can subscribe to the future: .onComplete(...)
val foo: Future[Done] = Source.single("Hello").runWith(Sink.foreach(println)))
With this syntax, you wouldn't get a Future:
val foo: NotUsed = Source.single("Hello").runWith(Sink.foreach(println))).to(Sink.foreach(println)).run()
A flow can be
- 1 -> 1
- 1 -> N: faning out events (Broadcast) or acts as a load balancer (Balance).
- N -> 1: merge 1 event of several inputs into 1 event in output; or simply Concat (3 inputs = 3 outputs).
A Flow is a Graph.
// this is a Flow: Int -> Int
Flow[Int].map(_ * 2)
There are a lot of way (syntaxes) to execute a pipeline in Akka Streams. For instance, a Source can be ran without Graph, without Flow (it's created underneath):
Source(0 to 5).map(100 * _).runWith(Sink.fold(0)(_ + _)) // returns a Future[Int]
FileIO.fromPath(Paths.get("log.txt")).runFold(0)(_ + _.length).foreach(println)
We can compose anything using .via
, like a (source+flow) => 1x source, 2x flows => 1x flow
Materialized value
Each shape provides a materialized value (it's a different concept than the output ports). This is something else and is unique for each shape. Often you will see NotUsed
in the types of your shapes, this is one materialized value: a not used one (sic!).
A materialized value IS the result of a RunnableGraph (a sink has not output).
For instance:
// the output is a Int
// the materialized value is a NotUsed, meaning nothing useable
val a: Source[Int, NotUsed] = Source.single(4)
// the output is a Int
// the materialized value is a Promise[Option[Int]]
val a: Source[Int, Promise[Option[Int]]] = Source.maybe[Int]
Here is the list of the Source and Sink methods that have a materialized value different than NotUsed
For Source:
- Source.queue: SourceQueueWithComplete[T]
- Source.tick: Cancellable
- Source.maybe: Promise[Option[T]]
- Source.asSubscriber: Subscriber[T]
- Source.[actorPublisher|actorRef]: ActorRef
For Sink:
- Sink.[ignore|foreach|foreachParallel]: Future[Done]
- Sink.[head|last|fold|foldAsync|reduce|lazyInit]: Future[T]
- Sink.[headOption|lastOption]: Future[Option[T]]
- Sink.seq: Future[Seq[T]]
- Sink.asPublisher: Publisher[T]
- Sink.actorSubscriber: ActorRef
- Sink.queue: SinkQueueWithCancel[T]
The simple methods of Akka Streams deal with it without us to know.
For instance:
val s: Source[Int, NotUsed] = Source.single(4)
// we have some control over the materialized value
val classic: Source[Int, NotUsed] = s.via(f)
val left: Source[Int, NotUsed] = s.viaMat(f)(Keep.left) // same as .via
val both: Source[Int, (NotUsed, NotUsed)] = s.viaMat(f)(Keep.both)
// notice here the impact of the source materialized value type (Promise[Option[Int]])
val classic: Source[Int, Promise[Option[Int]]] = ss.via(f)
val left: Source[Int, Promise[Option[Int]]] = ss.viaMat(f)(Keep.left) // same as .via
val right: Source[Int, NotUsed] = ss.viaMat(f)(Keep.right)
Question: what can we do with the materialized value? (when it's not NotUsed!) Answer: it's used to have a "hand" into a closed graph.
For instance, here, we run a closed graph and we provide data to the source using the materialized value coming from the RunnableGraph
val source: Source[Int, Promise[Option[Int]]] = Source.maybe[Int].log("source")
val map = Flow[Int].map(_ * 2).log("map")
val graph = source.via(map).log("before sink").toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.both)
val (promise, doneFuture) = graph.run()
doneFuture.foreach(x => { println(s"done? $x"); system.terminate() })
promise.success(Some(5)) // send a value into the source!
/* Output:
[source] Element: 5
[map] Element: 10
[before sink] Element: 10
done? Done
[source] Upstream finished.
[map] Upstream finished.
[before sink] Upstream finished.
Another example with a list that is "split" element by element using mapConcat
and scan
(it's like reduce/fold but it emits each intermediate value):
val (promise, doneFuture) = Source.maybe[List[Int]]
.scan(0)(_ + _)
promise.success(Some(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)))
doneFuture.foreach(x => { system.terminate() })
/* Output:
[presink] Element: 0
[presink] Element: 1
[presink] Element: 3
[presink] Element: 6
[presink] Element: 10
[presink] Element: 15
[presink] Upstream finished.
We can also use a queue to provide data:
val (queue, doneFuture) = Source.queue[Int](2, OverflowStrategy.backpressure)
.log("pre sink")
doneFuture.foreach(_ => { system.terminate() })
(1 to 10).foreach(queue.offer)
Using Actors
It's possible to bind the Source to a custom Actor.
akka-streams will send requests asking for n
elements. The actor can then call n
times onNext
(not more or an exception will be thrown):
class Toto extends Actor with ActorPublisher[Char] {
override def receive = {
case x @ Request(n) => println(x); (0 until n.toInt).foreach(_ => onNext(Random.nextPrintableChar()))
case Cancel => context.stop(self)
A stream does not run on the caller thread. It uses a thread pool provided by a Materializer.
Several stages shares the same thread, except if you explicitely specified async boundaries to make them run concurrently (but still properly ordered to the sink):
.via(flow).async // asynchronous boundary
We always want to know what's in the pipes. Instead of adding println
everywhere, Akka Streams has a pluggable facility:
.via(processingStage).log("my flow")
It's using the DEBUG level, so make sure to adapt your configuration:
akka {
loglevel = "DEBUG"
That will output something like:
[DEBUG] [11/09/2016 15:40:17.027] [default-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-7] [akka.stream.Log(akka://default/user/StreamSupervisor-0)] [my flow] Element: Hello
You can also get the blueprint of any Shape with toString
. Better give a name to your components.
println(Source.single(0).map(_ * 2).named("my source"))
Source(SourceShape(Map.out), CompositeModule [3232a28a]
Name: nestedSource
(singleSource) GraphStage(SingleSource(0)) [4229bb3f]
(unnamed) [56cdfb3b] copy of GraphStage(Map(<function1>)) [2b91004a]
single.out -> Map.in
Map.in -> single.out
MatValue: Atomic(singleSource[4229bb3f]))
We can see everything: the flows, the upstreams/downstreams and the materialized value.
- Processor (from reactivestreams)
- Demonstrate Backpressure
- attributes on a Graph: like async() and named("foo")
- we can also control the logLevel of the stage events (on element, on finish, on failure; when using .log("here"))
- we can also control the inputbuffer of a graph (default is 1 item max)
reactive-kafka === akka-stream-kafka
Set of connectors useable with Akka Streams:
- File IO
Reactive streams: A specification
- Subscriber[A] (Consumer), Publisher[B] (Producer), Subscription, Processor[A, B]
- asynchronous boundary: decouple components
- define backpressure model: signal to the source to handle
- push AND pull: fast consumer AND slow consumer (dynamic)
- ability to batch process
- null is not a valid value in the streams
Some implementations are:
- RxJava
- Akka-streams
- Reactor
- Vert.x
- Slick
- Monix
- netty-reactive-streams
- http://reactivesocket.io/
Reactive Programming
- Responsive -> Resilient + Scalable -> Message Driven
- https://medium.com/@kvnwbbr/diving-into-akka-streams-2770b3aeabb0
- https://medium.com/reactive-programming/what-is-reactive-programming-bc9fa7f4a7fc
- https://medium.com/@kvnwbbr/a-journey-into-reactive-streams-5ee2a9cd7e29