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Code examples for effective enterprise testing

= Effective Testing & Test Automation

Some projects for my presentations on effective enterprise testing.

The example projects contain a coffee-shop application, which uses the coffee-shop-db database, and a barista application.

== Running

You run the environment, containing the coffee-shop, barista applications and the coffee-shop-db using Docker containers.

In order to run the Docker containers locally, you need to create a Docker network first: + docker network create --subnet= dkrnet

Then you can build the coffee-shop project and run the environment as follows:


./ ./

You can access the coffee-shop application using HTTP, after the applications have been started:


curl localhost:8001/ curl localhost:8001/orders

You create new coffee orders by POST-ing the JSON representation of a new order:


curl localhost:8001/orders -i
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d '{"type":"Espresso","origin":"Colombia"}'

INFO: To stop and clean up the containers again, run: docker stop coffee-shop barista coffee-shop-db

== Running the tests

You run the non-integration tests by executing mvn test, or mvn package (any goal that executes Maven's test phase).

You run the integration tests by executing mvn test-compile failsafe:integration-test failsafe:verify.

You can run the systems tests either in a Kubernetes environment or using plain Docker containers.

=== System tests on local Docker containers

You run the system test environment by executing:



This starts up the coffee-shop application, the coffee-shop-db database, and a barista mock server.

The system tests contained in coffee-shop-st/ will run against that deployed environment:


cd coffee-shop-st/ mvn verify

INFO: To stop and clean up the system test containers again, run: docker stop coffee-shop barista coffee-shop-db

=== System tests with Quarkus dev mode

The system test environment with Docker containers also works with the Quarkus remote-dev mode where we can see our code changes immediately being reflected in the running coffee-shop application.

You run the system test environment with dev mode by executing:



You can run the system tests like in the description before, and also you can change the sources under coffee-shop/ and see the changes being reflected in the running coffee-shop application.

=== System tests on Kubernetes

In order to run the system tests in Kubernetes & Istio you need to apply the systemtest Kubernetes resources: kubectl apply -f coffee-shop/deployment/systemtest/. The files assume that you have Istio installed on your cluster.

You can point your integration & system tests to the remote environment using the following system variables:

  • for the smoke integration tests:


cd coffee-shop/ mvn test-compile failsafe:integration-test failsafe:verify

  • for the system tests:


cd coffee-shop-st/ mvn verify

== Further resources

  •[Efficient enterprise testing (video course)^]
  •[Efficient enterprise testing (article series)^]
  •[Tests that spark flow — A poem^]