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Learn how to use ScyllaDB to generate a monstrously fast leadearboard for your application!

Gaming Leaderboard Demo - Next.js + ScyllaDB application

This repository contains a sample gaming leaderboard application built with Blitz.js, Material-UI and ScyllaDB.

1. Prerequisites

2. Getting Started

2.1 Setup a ScyllaDB Cloud cluster

Before you start, go into ScyllaDB Cloud and create a New Cluster in Sandbox Mode under the Free Trial tab.

Be sure to check the ScyllaDB version under CQL Compatible API and select the region closest to you.

Scylla Cloud panel with options related to Cluster Creation

[!TIP] You can also run ScyllaDB inside a Docker container. Learn more about that at Scylla University.

2.2 Setup the Project

After your ScyllaDB cluster has been created, clone the project.

git clone
cd leaderboard-demo

To install the project, run:

npm install

3. Configuring the Environment

[!TIP] You can copy/duplicate the base file .env.example into .env as well.

Create a new configuration file named .env in the project's root folder. This file contains your ScyllaDB cluster credentials:

# .env

[!NOTE] You can copy the SCYLLA_HOSTS, SCYLLA_USER, SCYLLA_PASSWD and SCYLLA_DATACENTER values from your ScyllaDB Cloud dashboard. Keyspace should be leaderboard.

Scylla Cloud Credentials Page under Connect Tab

4. Running the Migrations

After setting your environment variables, you'll be able to execute the migrations for this project:

npm run migrate
# Creating keyspace and tables...
# Inserting Players...
# New Player: Daniel Reis
# New Player: Kadu Waengertner
# ...
# Inserting Tracks...
# Inserted Track: Instant Crush
# Inserted Track: Faint
# ...
# Populating Submissions...
# Done.

5. Running the App

You can now run and test the project! Launch the application:

npm run dev
> [email protected] dev
> blitz dev

✔ Next.js was successfully patched with a React Suspense fix
✔ Routes manifest was successfully generated
- ready started server on, url: http://localhost:3000

Go to http://localhost:3000 to open the app.

6. Features

Here's a detailed list of features from the game leaderboard example.

6.1 Default Keyspace config.

-- Keyspace Config
CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS leaderboard WITH replication = { 
	'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 
	'replication_factor': '3'

6.2 Game Tracks

List of all tracks played so far with scoreboard

List all tracks played so far with scoreboard.

  • GET - /tracks
-- Data Model
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS leaderboard.tracks(
	track_id text,
	title text,
	artist text,
	album text,
	cover_url text,
	duration int,
	PRIMARY KEY (track_id)

INSERT INTO leaderboard.tracks (track_id, title, artist, album, cover_url, duration) VALUES ('kashmir', 'Kashmir', 'Led Zeppelin', 'Mothership', '', 517);
INSERT INTO leaderboard.tracks (track_id, title, artist, album, cover_url, duration) VALUES ('high-hopes', 'High Hopes',  'Panic! At the Disco', 'Pray for the Wicked','', 517);

SELECT * FROM tracks WHERE track_id = 'kashmir';

6.3 Player Games History

Player Submission History Preview Screenshot from ScoreSpy Game

Materialized view from submissions to fetch the games history ordered latest submissions.

  • GET - /players/{playerId}
-- Data Modeling
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW leaderboard.user_submissions AS
    SELECT *
    	FROM leaderboard.submissions
			submission_id IS NOT null AND
			player_id IS NOT null AND
			played_at IS NOT null
    	PRIMARY KEY (player_id, played_at, submission_id)

-- Queries
INSERT INTO leaderboard.submissions (submission_id, player_id, played_at) VALUES (ce772595-7b3b-48d8-b993-d323d1149165, 'danielhe4rt', '2019-01-01 00:00:00+0000');
INSERT INTO leaderboard.submissions (submission_id, player_id, played_at) VALUES (2ebc2ae5-742c-405f-978a-0ffc33fc9d6e, 'danielhe4rt', '2019-01-03 00:00:00+0000');
INSERT INTO leaderboard.submissions (submission_id, player_id, played_at) VALUES (0df45aee-837a-433e-b4cc-506a1e1c367a, 'danielhe4rt', '2019-01-02 00:00:00+0000');

SELECT player_id, played_at FROM leaderboard.user_submissions WHERE player_id = 'danielhe4rt' LIMIT 3;

-- submission_id                        | played_at
-- 2ebc2ae5-742c-405f-978a-0ffc33fc9d6e | 2019-01-03 00:00:00.000000+0000
-- 0df45aee-837a-433e-b4cc-506a1e1c367a | 2019-01-02 00:00:00.000000+0000
-- ce772595-7b3b-48d8-b993-d323d1149165 | 2019-01-01 00:00:00.000000+0000

6.4 Song Leaderboard

Song Leaderboard Preview by YARG

List top submissions in a specific song by descending score.

  • GET - /leaderboard/{trackId}
-- Data Model
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS leaderboard.song_leaderboard (
	submission_id uuid,
	track_id text,
	player_id text,
	modifiers frozen<set<text>>,
	score int,
	difficulty text,
	instrument text,
	stars int,
	accuracy_percentage float,
	missed_count int,
	ghost_notes_count int,
	max_combo_count int,
	overdrive_count int,
	speed int,
	played_at timestamp,
	PRIMARY KEY ((track_id, modifiers, difficulty, instrument), score)

-- Queries

INSERT INTO leaderboard.song_leaderboard (track_id, player_id, score, modifiers, difficulty, instrument, played_at) VALUES ('fade-to-black', 'danielhe4rt', 10000, {'none'}, 'expert', 'guitar' ,'2019-01-01 00:00:00+0000');
INSERT INTO leaderboard.song_leaderboard (track_id, player_id, score, modifiers, difficulty, instrument, played_at) VALUES ('fade-to-black', 'tzach', 12000, {'none'}, 'expert', 'guitar' ,'2019-01-01 00:00:00+0000');
INSERT INTO leaderboard.song_leaderboard (track_id, player_id, score, modifiers, difficulty, instrument, played_at) VALUES ('fade-to-black', 'kadoodle', 9999, {'none'}, 'expert', 'guitar' ,'2019-01-02 00:00:00+0000');

	player_id, score 
	instrument = 'guitar' AND
	difficulty = 'expert' AND
	modifiers = {'none'} AND
	track_id = 'fade-to-black' 

--     player_id  | score
--        tzach | 12000
--  danielhe4rt | 10000
--     kadoodle |  9999