DANet copied to clipboard
Hi When I run ''train_DAN'.py' there is a problem, have you ever sew this problem? Traceback (most recent call last): File "H:\Breast_Video\Code\Vedio_Segmentation\DANet-main\train_DAN.py", line 187, in train(args) File "H:\Breast_Video\Code\Vedio_Segmentation\DANet-main\train_DAN.py", line 75,...
It seems that the robustness of model is not good. There is a big performance gap between models trained by the same code. Can this prolem be fixed by increase...
HI, When I train a model with num_workers>1, it is possible to stuck on this line: https://github.com/scutpaul/DANet/blob/f0bc57d9b2641c4dda9ce70e2c6f240ce2789069/test_DAN.py#L137 Then I debug and find that it stucks on this tow lines: https://github.com/scutpaul/DANet/blob/f0bc57d9b2641c4dda9ce70e2c6f240ce2789069/libs/dataset/YoutubeVOS.py#L156...
I wonder if the test result based on epoch_100.pth.tar or model_best.pth.tar
Hi, how to get results(Table 3) of image based few shot methods(PMMs, PFENet and PPNet) in paper? Should I use their pretrained models to test on Youtube-VIS dataset, or train...