I ran Fiji with Java debugger jdb and it does seem like the member variable **log** is null in the FileSystemTree$DirectoryWatcher constructor. Here’s what I’m seeing: I had a breakpont...
I was able to recreate the problem with showinf.bat from the bftools programs. I saw the problem go away when I increased the Java Max Heap size to 15g by...
I do see BF_MAX_MEM mentioned in this doc: Also, doing a Google search on BF_MAX_MEM shows several discussions about using BF_MAX_MEM.
Is this still a problem and re-producible? If so, can you do the following steps and then re-produce the problem with ImageJ? I do see in the code the potential...
Yes, I use SpotBugs I use SpotBugs to find problems and to get myself familiar with the code so I can maybe get more involved. I’ve been using it...
I was able to re-produce the issue with the test image in Fiji. In Eclipse, I modified the code in The changes are below. The variable **valueType** was 9...
Referring to the original code, "Time Time Resolution" is the value of variable **key** when the exception occurs at line 429. The exception occurs because it is doing a **readInt()**...