OpenForSciR copied to clipboard
Free, online book "Open Forensic Science in R." This book is for anyone looking to do forensic science analysis in a data-driven and open way.
many would like a pdf copy of the book -- however this is not straightforward as some graphics are not PDF friendly.
Mark completed after aligning figures, checking references & citations, checking cross-references, and cleaning up any messy syntax.
Mark completed after spell-checking, re-reading, and making necessary edits.
``` # automatically create a bib database for R packages knitr::write_bib(c( .packages(), 'bookdown', 'knitr', 'rmarkdown' # add your packages here ), 'packages.bib') ```
Just a reminder: chunk labels need to be unique across the entire book, not just within a single .Rmd file. e.g. you can't name a chunk "data" if someone else...