ens-claim-flashbot-example copied to clipboard
staked tokens
hello! i transfer it erc 721 and worked ! now i have staked tokens how i can unstake them and transfer them thanks
You should use the ERC20 code, and send a bundle transaction including unstake and transfer token.
in the unstake which value i write ?
will be glad if you can like write the unstake code or edit it! tnx
please give me the contract address and unstake transaction example by other people.
this is the contract address 0x0326b0688d9869a19388312Df6805d1D72AaB7bC
this is unstake transaction Hash: 0x18b7a2d7535d3ab18ed4829273f5bf1714c30962981e745baa73040b200ba233
Something like this? But this script outdated https://github.com/spalladino/flashbots-unstake-and-transfer
@ahmediblao1 please check the kahiru branch, I add the unstake and transfer NFT function. Stone Particles can be claimed but can't be transferred I think. You should contact the owner of the contract he can help your transfer $SP. The script may not working,but I don't have Kahuri NFT so cannot test, if there is an error reported in time to contact me
i really appreciate your help and effort! it gives me this error TX 1 : execution reverted�y� ♀not an owner
i really appreciate your help and effort! it gives me this error TX 1 : execution reverted�y� ♀not an owner
Is 0x25F23Cc10ab03b5E68E3D854Ea1D2917a5A44637 yours address? This address has no staking NFT.
i successfully unstake it now but did not transfer at same blok so i had to call transfer erc721 after unstake now i have the first one in my save wallet god bless & you thank you so mush ! last thing if i need to claim tokens ( stones) i do the same !!
i really appreciate your help and effort! it gives me this error TX 1 : execution reverted�y� ♀not an owner
Is 0x25F23Cc10ab03b5E68E3D854Ea1D2917a5A44637 yours address? This address has no staking NFT.
this the sponsor address the one ends with f5c1 has staked nfts
i successfully unstake it now but did not transfer at same blok so i had to call transfer erc721 after unstake now i have the first one in my save wallet god bless & you thank you so mush ! last thing if i need to claim tokens ( stones) i do the same !!
stone can not transfer by user but owner, you can contact administer
i successfully unstake it now but did not transfer at same blok so i had to call transfer erc721 after unstake now i have the first one in my save wallet god bless & you thank you so mush ! last thing if i need to claim tokens ( stones) i do the same !!
stone can not transfer by user but owner, you can contact administer
ye i know i just want to claim them ! cuz as mush you have now the will give you new tokens instead
could you provide a claim transaction example?
could you provide a claim transaction example?
i think maybe this one 0xd779fb3c9932406036af9132e4b09340ca8dbb4da7f35848e00b547068f83470
is this works for bsc too ?
is this works for bsc too ?