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Convert Javascript code to an XML document


Tests codecov

Convert Javascript code to an XML document.

This makes it easy to extract data embedded in JavaScript code using XPath in a way more robust than just using regular expressions.


You can install js2xml via PyPI:

pip install js2xml


>>> import js2xml
>>> jscode = """function factorial(n) {
...     if (n === 0) {
...         return 1;
...     }
...     return n * factorial(n - 1);
... }"""
>>> parsed = js2xml.parse(jscode)
>>> parsed.xpath("//funcdecl/@name")  # extracts function name
>>> print(js2xml.pretty_print(parsed))  # pretty-print generated XML
  <funcdecl name="factorial">
      <identifier name="n"/>
          <binaryoperation operation="===">
              <identifier name="n"/>
              <number value="0"/>
              <number value="1"/>
        <binaryoperation operation="*">
            <identifier name="n"/>
                <identifier name="factorial"/>
                <binaryoperation operation="-">
                    <identifier name="n"/>
                    <number value="1"/>



v0.5.0 (2022-03-14)

  • Add official Python 3.9 and 3.10 support, drop Python 2.7 support, remove six dependency

  • Support a class call without parameters (e.g. new Map)

  • Updated the CI setup

v0.4.0 (2020-06-04)

  • Add Python 3.7 and 3.8 support, drop Python 3.4 support

  • Use calmjs.parse instead of slimit for JavaScript parsing

    calmjs.parse is a well-maintained fork of slimit which solves some of its shortcomings, such as support for JavaScript keywords being used as object keys.

    However, calmjs.parse also introduces slight changes to the output of js2xml, making this change backward-incompatible.

  • Fix unicode surrogate pair handling

  • Code cleanup for Python 3

v0.3.1 (2017-08-03)

  • Fix packaging

v0.3.0 (2017-08-03)

  • Add Python 3.6 support

  • Deprecate js2xml.jsonlike

  • Introduce js2xml.utils.objects module:

    • js2xml.utils.objects.make(node): takes a node in the js2xml-parsed tree and converts to a suitable Python object
    • js2xml.utils.objects.findall(tree, types): used to find the top-most nodes in the js2xml-parsed tree that can be converted to a dict, list, str, bool, int or float
    • js2xml.utils.objects.getall(tree, types): same as .findall() except that it converts what was found to the corresponding Python object, using js2xml.utils.objects.make()
  • Introduce js2xml.utils.vars module:

    • js2xml.utils.vars.get_vars(tree) can be used to turn a JS snippet into a python object where you can access JavaScript variables by name and get the parsed values

v0.2.3 (2017-05-30)

  • Regenerate lextab.py and yacctab.py files with PLY 3.10
  • Properly set logger level to ERROR

v0.2.2 (2016-12-01)

  • Include lextab.py and yacctab.py files to (hopefully) remove write permission warnings (see issue #16)
  • Run tests with tox (locally and on Travis CI)
  • Add code coverage reports (+ codecov.io for Travis CI builds)
  • Run tests with Python 3.6
  • Automatic PyPI deploys from Travis CI

v0.2.1 (2016-06-10)

  • Distribute as universal wheel

v0.2.0 (2016-06-10)

  • Python 3 support (tested with 3.4 and 3.5)
  • Use logger to suppress Yacc warnings
  • require PLY > 3.6
  • Use bumpversion for versioning
  • Pretty-print output is now a Unicode string

v0.1.2 (2015-05-11)

  • Profiling scripts added
  • Updated notes with use-case, installing via pip
  • Force PLY 3.4 (3.6 has issues with slimit)

v0.1.1 (2014-08-13)

  • Fix parsing of objects with integer keys
  • Fix try/catch/finally and named function expressions
  • Add download URL in setup file (for PyPI)

v0.1 (2014-08-12)

Initial release