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Realms-wiki in non-root directory - editor isn't working

Open jpalczewski opened this issue 8 years ago • 12 comments


I'm wondering how I can edit editor to use styles when realms is behind reverse-proxy - with some magic it is possible to run app in such way(the most important change was adding a static_url_path parameter to Flask constructor in create_app function from main - otherwise all static assets were relative to /). Unfortunately, in nginx log I see that clicking styles results in requests to /static(...) and 404, not $static_url_path(...).

jpalczewski avatar Aug 08 '16 23:08 jpalczewski

I have the same problems with URL prefixing. just as you i patched create_app to generate a custom prefix in python code.

But the editor theming happens in javascript code. look at realms-wiki/realms/static/js/aced.js


themePath: '/static/vendor/ace-builds/src'

to :

themePath: '/yourprefix/wiki/static/vendor/ace-builds/src'

stephane-martin avatar Aug 08 '16 23:08 stephane-martin

oh, and by the way, the github/twitter/... oauth login does not work with a custom URL prefix too. Haven't succeeded to fix that one :-/

stephane-martin avatar Aug 08 '16 23:08 stephane-martin


After fixing my LDAP setup (#168) now my editor broke.

These are the steps I used to install realms-wiki:

I use a debian jessie setup.

Installed dependencies from debian repos:

apt-get install -y \
       software-properties-common \
       python-software-properties \
       python-dev \
       python-pip \
       libssl-dev \
       libldap2-dev \
       libsasl2-dev \
       libxml2-dev \
       libxslt1-dev \
       libyaml-dev \
       libffi-dev \
       python-virtualenv \
       python-werkzeug \
       python-wtforms \
       python-oauthlib \
       python-jinja2 \
       npm \

Installed request-oauthlib and realms-wiki using pip

pip install request-oauthlib realms-wiki

Installed clean-css (not sure what this does)

npm install -g bower clean-css

Run the setup

mkdir -p /var/lib/realms/db

realms-wiki setup
Enter site title. [Realms]: Example Wiki
Enter base URL. [http://localhost]:
Enter port number. [5000]:
Enter secret key. [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]:
Enter wiki data directory. [/var/lib/realms/data]:
Allow anonymous edits? [Y/n]: n
Enable registration? [Y/n]: y
Cache type? [simple]:
Search type? [simple]:
Database URI? Examples: [sqlite:////tmp/wiki.db]: sqlite:////var/lib/realms/db/wiki.db

mv ~/realms-wiki.json /etc/realms-wiki

Start the wiki

realms-wiki start

At this point I was able to use the wiki using a registered account. The editor was working unless I was connecting using Firefox privacy mode or Chromium incognito mode (weird!).

After I configured LDAP the editor stopped working in either case.

I cannot find any aced.js in my setup.

This is my current *realms-wiki.json file:

root@wiki-test:~# cat /etc/realms-wiki/realms-wiki.json 
    "ALLOW_ANON": false,
    "BASE_URL": "
    "DB_URI": "sqlite:////var/lib/realms/db/wiki.db",
    "PORT": 5000,
    "SEARCH_TYPE": "simple",
    "SECRET_KEY": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "SITE_TITLE": "Example Wiki",
    "WIKI_PATH": "/var/lib/realms/data",

    "LDAP": {
        "URI": "ldap://",
        "BIND_DN": "cn=realms,ou=dsa,dc=example,dc=com",
        "BIND_AUTH": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "USER_SEARCH": {
            "base": "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
            "filter": "uid=%(username)s"},
        "START_TLS": true,
        "KEY_MAP": {
            "username": "uid",
            "email": "mail"},
        "OPTIONS": {
            "OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION": 3}

Any idea? Suggestions?

theodotos avatar Sep 21 '16 10:09 theodotos

  • what do you mean, by "the editor stopped working" ? what happens ?
  • the fix about aced.js is only used when you have a subdir in BASE_URL. In your setup (root of domain) it should not be needed.

stephane-martin avatar Sep 21 '16 10:09 stephane-martin

Basically the left pane is white (normally it's black when the editor is active) and it does not respond, neither presents the cursor to start editing.


screenshot from 2016-09-21 14-39-40

theodotos avatar Sep 21 '16 11:09 theodotos

looks like the JS is not loading. with firefox or chrome dev tools you can look at the list of network requests and hopefully see why they fail

stephane-martin avatar Sep 21 '16 12:09 stephane-martin

@stephane-martin I saw your reply on #168:

yes it's better to expose realms at the root of the domain, some things break when you try to install in /somesubdir

The default dir for data was /tmp/data and for db it was /tmp/wiki.db! I don't think it's a good idea to keep those.

theodotos avatar Sep 21 '16 13:09 theodotos

Nothing interesting in the javascrpt console:

Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated.  Use defaultPrevented instead.

But I do get a lot of CSS errors:

Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element '-webkit-inner-spin-button'.  Ruleset ignored due to bad selector.bootstrap.css:161:22
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element '-webkit-search-cancel-button'.  Ruleset ignored due to bad selector.bootstrap.css:171:22
Unknown property 'orphans'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:241:11
Unknown property 'widows'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:242:10
Unknown property '-moz-osx-font-smoothing'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:284:25
Expected color but found 'auto'.  Expected color but found '-webkit-focus-ring-color'.  Expected end of value but found '-webkit-focus-ring-color'.  Error in parsing value for 'outline'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:1114:15
Expected end of value but found '\9 '.  Error in parsing value for 'margin-top'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:2527:18
Expected color but found 'auto'.  Expected color but found '-webkit-focus-ring-color'.  Expected end of value but found '-webkit-focus-ring-color'.  Error in parsing value for 'outline'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:2545:15
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element '-ms-input-placeholder'.  Ruleset ignored due to bad selector.bootstrap.css:2583:14
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element '-webkit-input-placeholder'.  Ruleset ignored due to bad selector.bootstrap.css:2586:15
Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element '-ms-expand'.  Ruleset ignored due to bad selector.bootstrap.css:2589:15
Expected media feature name but found '-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio'.bootstrap.css:2609:19
Expected end of value but found '\9 '.  Error in parsing value for 'margin-top'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:2661:18
Unknown property 'touch-action'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:3016:18
Unknown property 'user-select'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:3028:13
Expected color but found 'auto'.  Expected color but found '-webkit-focus-ring-color'.  Expected end of value but found '-webkit-focus-ring-color'.  Error in parsing value for 'outline'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:3037:15
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'alpha('.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:3058:10
Expected color but found '\9 '.  Expected end of value but found '\9 '.  Error in parsing value for 'border-top'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:3516:24
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'progid'.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:3592:10
Expected color but found '\9 '.  Expected end of value but found '\9 '.  Error in parsing value for 'border-bottom'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:3633:27
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:5159:20
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:5160:20
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:5175:20
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:5176:20
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:5183:20
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:5184:20
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:5191:20
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:5192:20
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:5199:20
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:5200:20
Unknown property 'zoom'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:5211:6
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'alpha('.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:5856:10
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'alpha('.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:5864:10
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'alpha('.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:5935:10
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'alpha('.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:5939:10
Unknown property 'line-break'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:6004:12
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'alpha('.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:6017:10
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'alpha('.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:6021:10
Unknown property 'line-break'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:6122:12
Expected media feature name but found 'transform-3d'.bootstrap.css:6261:16
Expected media feature name but found '-webkit-transform-3d'.bootstrap.css:6261:32
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'alpha('.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:6328:10
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:6336:20
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:6337:20
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:6338:20
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'progid'.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:6341:10
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:6346:20
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:6347:20
Error in parsing value for 'background-image'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:6348:20
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'progid'.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:6351:10
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'alpha('.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:6359:10
Expected end of value but found '\9 '.  Error in parsing value for 'background-color'.  Declaration dropped.bootstrap.css:6414:25
Error in parsing value for 'background'.  Declaration dropped.dataTables.bootstrap.css:235:16
Error in parsing value for 'background'.  Declaration dropped.dataTables.bootstrap.css:236:16
Error in parsing value for 'background'.  Declaration dropped.dataTables.bootstrap.css:238:16
Error in parsing value for 'background'.  Declaration dropped.dataTables.bootstrap.css:239:16
Unknown property '-moz-box-shadow'.  Declaration
Unknown property '-moz-border-radius'.  Declaration
Unknown property '-moz-opacity'.  Declaration
Unknown property '-moz-osx-font-smoothing'.  Declaration dropped.font-awesome.css:20:25
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'progid'.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.font-awesome.css:121:10
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'progid'.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.font-awesome.css:127:10
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'progid'.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.font-awesome.css:133:10
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'progid'.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.font-awesome.css:139:10
Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found 'progid'.  Error in parsing value for 'filter'.  Declaration dropped.font-awesome.css:145:10

theodotos avatar Sep 21 '16 13:09 theodotos

I'm having the same issue. It looks like it's trying to load the following files and failing because they are not present in the static directory.

  • /static/wiki/js/aced.js
  • /static/wiki/js/editor.js
  • /static/wiki/js/collaboration/main.js
  • /static/wiki/js/collaboration/togetherjs.js

The files are also not present in the current git repo

Also, just a note that I followed all the install instructions. Not sure if these files are supposed to get generated during the install but they haven't for me.

jaycuse avatar Jan 07 '17 01:01 jaycuse

I just ran into this, too. I had to create some directories and copy over those Javascript files manually to make it work:

cd env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/realms/static/
mkdir -p wiki/js/collaboration/
cp /home/wiki/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/realms/modules/wiki/static/js/aced.js .
cp /home/wiki/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/realms/modules/wiki/static/js/editor.js .
cd collaboration/
cp /home/wiki/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/realms/modules/wiki/static/js/collaboration/main.js .
cp /home/wiki/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/realms/modules/wiki/static/js/collaboration/togetherjs.js .

(Note: I'm not running Realms Wiki from a subdirectory, I have it proxied with Nginx to / of a vhost.)

virtadpt avatar Feb 07 '18 00:02 virtadpt

@jpalczewski can you put your modifications up somewhere?

jelmer avatar May 06 '18 01:05 jelmer

@jelmer unfortunately I played with realms ages ago and don't have my edited copy anywhere, but maybe @stephane-martin can provide one with his fixes.

jpalczewski avatar May 06 '18 09:05 jpalczewski