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Can't get pgoapi via pip without installing git
pip install -r requirement.txt
Got this at the end of the install:
Obtaining pgoapi from git+git://github.com/keyphact/pgoapi.git@fd462be412ac347ab517b68f269e2342a7226909#egg=pgoapi (from -r requirements.txt (line 18)) Cloning git://github.com/keyphact/pgoapi.git (to fd462be412ac347ab517b68f269e2342a7226909) to c:\pokemongo-map-develop\src\pgoapi Error [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified while executing command git clone -q git://github.com/keyphact/pgoapi.git C:\PokemonGo-Map-develop\src\pgoapi Cannot find command 'git'
I don't have git installed on my laptop. If that is a requirement, then that should be noted someplace. If that shouldn't be a requirement, then the requirement.txt file shouldn't be requesting a clone.
You need to install "git" to be able to clone. Requirement text is only for python based modules. git command is something different, not related to python in any way.
Yeah, I got that. But there should be something, perhaps in the Wiki or README that says this requires git installed. I had no problem figuring out that I needed to install git, but I would have done so first if there was something that told me to do so.
@Azryyal So.... You're on git hub and don't expect to have to use git? I'd say that's sort of understood.
Why? I didn't need it to download AHAAA's version and use it.
AHAAA used to include an older copy of the pgoapi. At some point, the develop branch was changed to download a new version as part of the pip install.
Either you had an old version, or you were on the master branch.
Right. I wasn't interested in developing. I just wanted to use, so I was on the 2.1.0 branch (release).
Ok. I've updated README.md and created pull request #10 . Once that is pulled in, this can be closed out.