imgui_tabs copied to clipboard
Tab module for imgui. Should be relatively forwardly compatible.
Tab module for imgui. Should be relatively forwardly compatible.
Code like this:
// ericb 2017_07_21 : draw the tabs background BEFORE to fill it, to avoid a "colored overlay"
if (ImGui::AddTab("General")){
bool fullscreen = mGUICfg->fullScreen.value;
if(ImGui::Checkbox("Fullscreen Mode",&fullscreen)){
mGUICfg->toggleFullscreenMode = true;
if(ImGui::Checkbox("Enable Multisampling",&mGUICfg->enableMultisampling.value)){
mGUICfg->settingsChanged = true;
if(ImGui::SliderInt("MSAA Count",(int*)&mGUICfg->multisampleCount.value,mGUICfg->multisampleCount.lowerLimit,mGUICfg->multisampleCount.upperLimit))
mGUICfg->settingsChanged = true;
if (ImGui::AddTab("GUI")){
ImGui::Text("Tab 2");
if (ImGui::AddTab("Tab Name")){
ImGui::Text("Tab 3");
if (ImGui::AddTab("Tab Name")){
ImGui::Text("Tab 4");
ImGui::BeginTabBar("#Additional Parameters");
float value = 0.0f;
// ericb 2017_07_21 : draw the tabs background BEFORE to fill it, to avoid a "colored overlay"
if (ImGui::AddTab("Tab Name2")){
if (ImGui::AddTab("Tab Name3")){
ImGui::Text("Tab 2");
if (ImGui::AddTab("Tab Name4")){
ImGui::Text("Tab 3");
if (ImGui::AddTab("Tab Name5")){
ImGui::Text("Tab 4");
Yields results like this:
To start a tab bar, use: ImGui::BeginTabBar(const char* label)
-> The label can be blank if you want, but you MUST!! pass a string of some length. Use the '#' character to
give it an ID without a label.
Add tabs by using:
if (ImGui::AddTab("Tab Name")){
< Insert other draw commands here >
-> This is much like collapsing header. If the tab is active, then AddTab will return true, allowing drawing
to occur.
End the tab bar by using ImGui::EndTabBar()
And that's it! You can dynamically add or remove tabs, the bar will reset the ID and tab label vectors appropriately,
but it DOESN'T continuously allocate/deallocate them in memory every time (unless the CRC32 hashes of the tab or tab bar change,
computed from their respective labels).
* You can change the rounding by altering:
"static constexpr const float rounding = 6.0f;"
in the _drawTabBarTop function. Alternatively, you can add it as a parameter, but to save on memory being passed
around, and since I will be using 6 as a constant, I didn't include this.
* The constexpr:
"static constexpr const float shrink = 1.0f;"
in the _drawTabBarTop function needs to be set to the width of your borders.
* I added custom colors and a new prototype for GetColorU32() to acquire these colors. You can change them here.
* I added extra operator functions for ImVec2 and ImVec4, _YOU MUST_ define IMGUI_DEFINE_MATH_OPERATORS in
imgui_internal.h for this to work.
* Please attribute my work if used or added, along with the original ImGui license/attribution.