mattermost-plugin-remind icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mattermost-plugin-remind copied to clipboard

a mattermost plugin that sets reminders for users and channels.

Mattermost Plugin Remind

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A bot that schedules reminders for Mattermost


requires Mattermost 5.14 or greater.

  1. Go to the releases page of this GitHub repository and download the latest release for your Mattermost server.
  2. Upload this file in the Mattermost System Console > Plugins > Management page to install the plugin. To learn more about how to upload a plugin, see the documentation.
  3. For a better cross timezone experience, enable Experimental timezone support. System Console -> Experimental Features -> Timezone = true


  • /remind - opens up an interactive dialog to schedule a reminder
  • /remind help - displays help examples
  • /remind list - displays a list of reminders
  • /remind [who] [what] [when]
    • /remind [who] [what] in [# (seconds|minutes|hours|days|weeks|months|years)]
    • /remind [who] [what] at [(noon|midnight|one..twelve|00:00am/pm|0000)] (every) [day|date]
    • /remind [who] [what] (on) [(monday-sunday|month&day|m/d/y|d.m.y)] (at) [time]
    • /remind [who] [what] every (other) [monday,...,sunday|weekdays|month&day|m/d|d.m] (at) [time]
  • /remind [who] [when] [what]

Here is the full list of Examples



This will produce a single plugin file (with support for multiple architectures) for upload to your Mattermost server:
