audio-reactive-led-strip copied to clipboard
Trying to understand FPS (rpi4)
I have gotten the project working and I'm tweaking around with it.
However, FPS seems to be between 43 and 46 no matter what I do. My target rate is 60FPS. I am NOT running the graphic visualization, my PI is headless.
CPU never goes above 15-16% I've played with the settings and I get the same FPS if its 10 pixels or 300 (I have at most 300 to connect) I have played with the FFT Bins, but setting it to 12 or 48 or even 300 (the comments indicate anything higher is dumb) makes almost 0 difference in observed CPU load, and no difference in frame rate. I'm at a loss as to why it's running at the rate it is. Any advice is appreciated.
having the same issue, also only 17% cpu usage. 120 Pixels
I don't have a pi so I can't reproduce the issue but if anyone else reading this, later on, is willing to do some testing to see if they can reproduce I'd appreciate it.
Try changing the target fps on the config file to the max fps supported. If you set your max fps to 60, it'll be less than that.