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PredicateBuilder cannot fill in parameter in SQLite when building expression.
Came across this error on a side project with EF Core 6.0 for Sqlite.
I am attempting to query a search query based on two properties of an IdentityUser, the username
and the email
. This IdentityUser, called AppUser
in code, has a many-many relationship with an Accounts
// string searchQuery is provided by the function args.
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.New<AppUser>();
searchQuery = searchQuery?.Trim().ToUpper();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchQuery))
predicate = predicate.Or(X => X.UserName.Contains(searchQuery));
predicate = predicate.Or(X => X.NormalizedEmail.Contains(searchQuery));
// Utility method to remove all digits from a string.
searchQuery = Utilities.NumbersOnly(searchQuery);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchQuery))
predicate = predicate.Or(X => X.PhoneNumber.Contains(searchQuery));
predicate = predicate.And(X => true);
IQueryable<AppUser> users = _db.DbContext.Users.AsNoTracking().Include(X => X.Accounts);
users = users.AsExpandableEFCore().Where(predicate);
return await users.ToListAsync();
Interestingly, when I go to look at the Sqlite query, I can't find the searchQuery object.
[00:32:37 INF] Executed DbCommand (9ms) [Parameters=[@__searchQuery_0=''], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
SELECT "t"."Id", "t"."AccessFailedCount", "t"."Activated", "t"."ConcurrencyStamp", "t"."Email", "t"."EmailConfirmed", "t"."LockoutEnabled", "t"."LockoutEnd", "t"."NormalizedEmail", "t"."NormalizedUserName", "t"."PasswordHash", "t"."PhoneNumber", "t"."PhoneNumberConfirmed", "t"."ResetPassword", "t"."SecurityStamp", "t"."TwoFactorEnabled", "t"."UserName", "t0"."Id", "t0"."Name", "t0"."AccountsId", "t0"."UsersId"
SELECT "u"."Id", "u"."AccessFailedCount", "u"."Activated", "u"."ConcurrencyStamp", "u"."Email", "u"."EmailConfirmed", "u"."LockoutEnabled", "u"."LockoutEnd", "u"."NormalizedEmail", "u"."NormalizedUserName", "u"."PasswordHash", "u"."PhoneNumber", "u"."PhoneNumberConfirmed", "u"."ResetPassword", "u"."SecurityStamp", "u"."TwoFactorEnabled", "u"."UserName"
FROM "Users" AS "u"
WHERE ((@__searchQuery_0 = '') OR (instr("u"."FullName", @__searchQuery_0) > 0)) OR ((@__searchQuery_0 = '') OR (instr("u"."NormalizedEmail", @__searchQuery_0) > 0))
ORDER BY "u"."Id"
) AS "t"
SELECT "a"."Id", "a"."Name", "u0"."AccountsId", "u0"."UsersId"
FROM "UserstoAccounts" AS "u0"
INNER JOIN "Accounts" AS "a" ON "u0"."AccountsId" = "a"."Id"
) AS "t0" ON "t"."Id" = "t0"."UsersId"
ORDER BY "t"."Id", "t0"."AccountsId", "t0"."UsersId"
The key fact from this debug log is that @__searchQuery_0='', even though I explicitly enter in an arg for searchQuery.
From the debugger, this is what I get if I peek at the predicate
{X => (X.UserName.Contains(value(TaxDesktop.API.UsersController+<>c__DisplayClass7_0).searchQuery) OrElse X.NormalizedEmail.Contains(value(TaxDesktop.API.UsersController+<>c__DisplayClass7_0).searchQuery))}
and attempting to peek at predicate.Compile()
shows an exception.
Is not needed here, there is nothing to expand. - Do not reuse
for searching digits, assign to other variable.
Hello @agreentejada, has the answer provided by @sdanyliv enough detail?