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A stable Field Day Log program for Amateur (Ham) Radio. Easy and simple to use. Distributes the database to everyone. Allows everyone to see who is operating and which band, how many contacts etc. GOT...

FDLog_Enhanced (Python 3)

This is a complete Field Day group contest logging solution! Download this on all computers (Windows, Mac, Linux including Raspberry Pis) and start logging. Visitors sign in and log because it is so simple. GOTA is integrated (separate dupes of course) on same network. All computers (even GOTA) have a copy of the database (distributed) and tracks operations so everyone can see and co-operate. Tracks Dupes, shows previous contacts, see who is on which radio (node) and which band, who is contesting and who is logging. Displays number of contacts and how many log entries made. Has an inactivity timer and can auto log off a band to make it available for others. QST messages can be sent to all nodes and a lot more.

Log entry is just three simple things : KD4SIR 1D IN

The last Python 2.7 version is in the release section.

The code here is Python3 (should be stable) and tested on Linux and Windows with a 192.168.x.x network. This needs to be tested on different networks and with Macs.

This is the top of the Release Log for FDLog_Enhanced The release log will have the present back to the beginning of FDLog in 1984.

Release Log for FDLog and FDLog_Enhanced We have added 99 enhancements to the original FDLog so far.

Scott Hibbs at gmail.com (email ideas for enhancements/bugs)

To Do and Ideas:

* An Information Table node that will allow sign in, show our group score, 
		the top 5 Contestors, the top 5 visitors, Worked All States, NTP server/client as time master etc.
         Use plotly.express for this:
     	import plotly.express as px
	fig = px.choropleth(df,
* Add more scoring: 
		complex gota points, youth, information table, official visitors, 
		max 20 radios, power multipliers, educational activity... 
* Change natural to battery? or add a battery button?
* Try showing all sections to the side - marking those worked.
* Work on Phonetic helper for GOTA station
* believe prefix check only returns first prefix in the log. Actually there is a note in the code from
	Alan Biocca to fix this as foreign callsigns are not supported properly.
* Dupe check for requested fills - 2 UNconnected nodes can dupe and both count when connected. 
  (currently dupe checking is at entry - not on fills)
* Need to rewrite all the documentation. It's everywhere...

Linux to do list: 
	on my raspberry pi: pdf files are not found but can be opened.
	on my raspberry pi: read error in file readme.txt

2023_beta 4.0.0 03Dec2023
Contestant Tracking - stable

95 fixed the ability to edit participants. Can't delete/edit initials by design.
96 Nodes send "user" packets which communicate the contestant, logger, and band.
97 Contestants are now tracked and maintained by each node.
98 Nodes can't select a contestant that is currently working a node (current or another node).
(can't operate two radios, but can be control operator of two radios - aka the logger)
99 Added a "Contestants Working" button that will show who is working at each node.
__The off buttons keeping the red color when not selected is the nature of tkinter for linux. There is no fix for this. Bug removed.

2022_Beta 3.1.3 13Aug2022
Mouse over better update

__ Bug fix: Mouse over bands (wof function) erronously remembered all previous bands. (minor) -KD4SIR
__ Mouse over, enhancement #6 and 34, now shows the node on the band/mode instead of all of them. -KD4SIR
__ fixed bug to reject 0 power contacts from getting into the log (python 2 to 3 fix) - KD4SIR

2022_Beta 3.1.2 10Aug2022
Inactivity timer update

__ Timer label (#91) modified to show minutes of inactivity while on band.
94 Inactivity feature: ".set kick 30" command will now set thirty minutes to kick a user off the band without activity. The default is 10 minutes. Set to 0 to turn this feature off.

2022_Beta 3.1.1 09Aug2022
Font update

93 Added a "Font" menu that will redraw the program in Courier or Consolas (shlash zero) fonts with sizes between 10-14. Needs testing on Linux and Mac - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR

2022_Beta 3.1.0 06Aug2022
Major update and rearrangement of the GUI

__ Moved main program code to be more readable, grouped all the grids together.
86 The log window will now reprint when it recieves a deleteq record from another node. - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR
87 left arrow act like backspace instead of nothing. - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR __ QST messages now allow upper case characters in them.
88 Added an "All CW", "All Digital" and "All Phone" log choice in the logs menu - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR
89 CW and Digital scores are now separated instead of adding together. - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR
90 Moved the network status label (enhancement #3) and node id under the menu and above the band selection. Also put the port number with the node id - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR
91 Timer label added showing "Time Away" (red) if band is off or "Time on Band" (grey). Also cleaned up the title to program name, class report and section, and current time. - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR
__ Cleaned up the Contestant and Logger label to just show the initials and name - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR
__ tweaked enhancements 8, 9, and 10 (individual scores) to be more readable.
92 Added a row to the GUI for function buttons like redraw log window etc.
__ Enhancement 84 now has a button in the "function button" row to redraw the log window instead of a menu.

2022_Beta 3.0.3 02Aug2022
85 Previous contacts on another band/mode will now populate the report as well so that no further typing is needed to log the call again. - Scott Hibbs kd4sir

2022_Beta 3.0.2 31Jul2022
__ Fixed the GlobalDb() being called twice.
__ Added all the staticmethod decorators that where necessary.
__ Removed all the power settings above 100w.
__ Fixed "After QSO edit display log prints all blue and not sorted." __ Added def logwredraw() to reprint the log display window on command.
84 Ability to reprint the log window with a clean log. A menu item for now, but will be a button later. - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR

2022_Beta 3.0.1 21Jul2022
__ Fixed edit/deleteq that became broken. Still needs to be sorted and have this reprint in the correct colors. (Currently all blue) -Scott

2022_Beta 3.0 21Jul2022
83 Thanks to David and his work on B1QUAD/FDLog_Enhanced_python3, I have finished porting this to Python 3. - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR

updated miniweb.py to version 2.0 - now also ported to python 3. - Scott Hibbs kd4sir

2022_v2.3 12Jul2022 (Last Python 2.7 version) Released
__ Finished python corrections as recommended by pycharm. I learned a ton! I will now test this to see if it is stable for a release - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR

Updated miniweb.py to version 1.8 - Removed unused import, restructure, beautification.  - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR 

2022_Beta 2.2 10Jul2022
82 Control-v and Control-c now both work. With the up arrow too. - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR
__ More python corrections.
__ Fixed WAS report (Can't have multiple spaces in this file).
__ Entry window will now always show the bottom line. - Scott

2022_Beta 2.1 09Jul2022
81 Mouse Copy and Paste now work!! Tested on windows 10, must use the same format as the program entry which is "kd4sir 1d in" or it will reject, also checks dupes, section etc. Keyboard shortcuts - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR
__ (Control c,and v) will be easy to add next. - Thanks to Weo's suggestion (found in code notes probably in the 90's) - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR 08Jul2022
79 update: Restructured again. The main program is now located at bottom of the file. All major pycharm errors have been corrected. - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR

2022_Beta_2 05Jul2022
80 Found our memory leak - removed unnecessary root.update() and root.deiconify() - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR 03Mar2022
79 Major code restructure!! (and updating with pycharm suggestions) Moved main program elements to be more readable. - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR

 Although a different program included with FDLog, I corrected a compatibility issue with Win10 so miniweb.py would work. 
 Changed from blocked port 80 to five fives - 55555. Adding a zip file of this project in the same folder makes it easy to 
 share accross the same network as computers show up for field day. - Scott

2022_Beta_1.1 (Working toward a stable 2023_Field_Day Release)
78 All text files converted to Unix EOL Conversion - Curtis E. Mills WE7U 21Jun2019
77 W1AW schedule is now a PDF file. - Curtis E. Mills WE7U 20Jun2019
76 Changed colors to be less garish: Yellow to gold, orange to dark orange, green to pale green, grey to light grey. - Curtis E. Mills WE7U 21Jun2019
75 Spell check and comment cleanup - Curtis E. Mills WE7U 25Jun2019 and Scott Hibbs 18Jun2022
74 Added reminder that the space bar will check prefix, suffix and calls for dupes.
73 Changed New Participant window to be more user freindly - Curtis E. Mills WE7U 25Jun2019
72 Worked on other bands and dupe checking responses are nicer and are more readable, also reminds to up arrow.
71 Fixed dupe checking against club call and gota call that could have been entered with upper case and missed.
70 Changed the file name from FDLog_SCICSG to FDLog_Enhanced.
Two reasons, it's slightly confusing and I moved away from this awesome group of hams. :(

2019_Beta_1 (posted on github, not tested) 69 Winter Field Day update added - -Art Miller KC7SDA
68 Found and fixed memory leak (updatebb() method.bind) -Art Miller KC7SDA
67 Cleaned whitespace code (ie all revision history moved to readme file) -Art Miller KC7SDA
66 added python path shebang so program can run from command line - Art Miller KC7SDA Jul/1/2018
65 Corrected code as suggested by pylint - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR Jun/28/2018
64 Streamlined the networking section of the code - netmask removed. Art Miller KC7SDA Jul/1/2018
63 Allowed upper case entry for several settings. Art Miller KC7SDA Jul/1/2018
62 After an edit, the log window is redrawn to show only valid log entries. Scott Hibbs KD4SIR Jul/3/2018
61 Removed unused code and comments - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR Jul/3/2018
60 Up arrow will now retype the last entry (just in case enter was hit instead of space) - Scott Hibbs KD4SIR Jul/06/2018

Continued in releaselog.txt

Scott Hibbs KD4SIR