Scott Bilas
Scott Bilas
Also with the Native package: ``` InvalidOperation: C:\Users\scott\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\PSDepend\0.3.8\PSDependScripts\PSGalleryModule.ps1:269 Line | 269 | $GalleryVersion -le $parsedSemanticVersion | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Could not compare "1.5" to "1.5.0". Error: "Cannot convert the "1.5.0" value...
I believe this is the fix ``` --- .\PSGalleryModule.0.ps1 +++ .\PSGalleryModule.ps1 @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ [System.Management.Automation.SemanticVersion]::TryParse($ExistingVersion, [ref]$parsedSemanticVersion) -and [System.Management.Automation.SemanticVersion]::TryParse($GalleryVersion, [ref]$parsedTempSemanticVersion) ) { - $GalleryVersion -le $parsedSemanticVersion + $parsedTempSemanticVersion -le $parsedSemanticVersion...
Same thing happens with an incorrect path given in omnisharp_server_config_location in Sublime's settings.
Might I humbly suggest something inspired by []( (This particular library impl has serious problems, but the spec-as-docs concept gets my kudos.)
Agreed on source generators - runtime parse- (docopt, mono.options) or reflection- (spectre, powerargs) based approaches add unnecessary startup cost, and move some problems from the compiler to the debugger. Docopt...
True, it can be codegen'd from the help string, and I think the `Command` system would be at least one place that would make it beneficial for a docopt type...
When I implemented ambiguous ESC key detection in my own tooling, I did a small survey of established tools and libraries to see how others handled it, and the timeout...
(My current workaround is to cast the NPath to a string when passing into Combine)
I'm always in favor of an approach that works, even with caveats, over endless waiting for the gears to turn in a big software company. :) Seems like it's hard...
@vors I just started running into this exact problem myself, after a couple months of using this module hundreds of times every day without issue. I have no idea what...