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Multiple verified e-mail accounts per user for Django

Django Multimail is no longer actively maintained

Django Multimail Requires Django 1.4+

multimail is a simple Django application that provides multiple-email address functionality for Django's existing User model. Features include:

  • Auto-creation of a multimail email from the email on a User object

  • Email verification via link sent to new email address

  • Auto-deletion of unverified email addresses when a user is administratively deactivated.


django-multimail is tested against Django versions 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7. Please report any known issues with any of these Django versions.



Breaks Django 1.3 Compatability. django-multimail is now compatible with Django 1.4+.


To run the test suite:

$ demo/ test


If you already have email sending configured and Sites configured. (See detailed setup for alternatives to configuring Sites)

  • pip install django-multimail
  • add multimail to installed apps
  • include 'django.template.loaders.eggs.Loader' in your TEMPLATE_LOADERS
  • In your base (r'^mail/', include('multimail.urls')),
  • syncdb


  • Configure your project for sending email. This usually involves setting the following properties in your settings file: EMAIL_HOST, EMAIL_HOST_USER, EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD, EMAIL_USE_TLS, EMAIL_BACKEND. (See the Django docs: Additionally, you will need to set either MULTIMAIL_FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS or ADMIN_EMAIL for Multimail to use as the from mail address. ADMIN_EMAIL is used if MULTIMAIL_FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS has not been set.

  • Be sure you are setup to use Django's sites framework (see the Django docs:

    multimail uses the current domain to build verification link URLs. Alternatively, you can set the MULTIMAIL_EMAIL_VERIFICATION_URL settings property. See the SETTINGS section below. Another option is to set both the MULTIMAIL_SITE_DOMAIN, and MULTIMAIL_SITE_NAME. When both of these are set, they will override the configured site settings (for multimail purposes only).

  • Use of the messages framework is now optional. To use messages, set MULTIMAL_USE_MESSAGES to True. Be sure you are exposing messages in your templates. See Django docs on the messages framework:

  • Be sure to include 'django.template.loaders.eggs.Loader' in the TEMPLATE_LOADERS in your settings file. You should put this after loaders that load templates you create yourself so that you can create overriding templates to replace the builtin multimail templates.

  • To install: pip install django-multimail

    Or, to install from source:

    pip install [email protected]:scott2b/django-multimail.git#egg=multimail

    or, download the code and run python install

  • Add multimail to your installed apps in your settings file

  • In your base url config, add a line like the following: (r'^mail/', include('multimail.urls')),

    The path name 'mail' is arbitrary and can be set to whatever you choose.

  • Run syncdb

You can now start creating new EmailAddress objects for your users. A Verification email will be sent automatically when a new EmailAddress object is created.


from django.contrib.auth.models import User u = User.objects.all()[0] # will automatically create an EmailAddress object for the user's current email address

You can also create EmailAddress objects for users directly:

from multimail.models import EmailAddress addr = EmailAddress.objects.create(email='[email protected]', user=u)


The following properties may be set to customize your multimail installation. Note that where default properties are enclosed with _() indicates translation via Django's ugettext. Multimail does not currently have any built-in translations for its default messages. See the Django docs for information about creating translation messages:

MULTIMAIL_ALLOW_VERIFICATION_OF_INACTIVE_ACCOUNTS Default: False. Whether to allow users to verify emails associated with a deactivated account.

MULTIMAIL_AUTOVERIFY_ACTIVE_ACCOUNTS Default: True. Whether to verify accounts that have been set as active outside of django-multimail.

MULTIMAIL_DELETE_PRIMARY Default: False. Whether to clear the email field on the user object when the last EmailAddress is deleted.

MULTIMAIL_VERIFICATION_LINK_SENT_MESSAGE Default: _("A verification link has been sent to %(email)s")

MULTIMAIL_FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS Default: None, but falls back to ADMIN_EMAIL if not available

MULTIMAIL_EMAIL_ALREADY_VERIFIED_MESSAGE Default: _("This email address has already been verified.")

MULTIMAIL_EMAIL_VERIFIED_MESSAGE **(See note below) Default: _("Thank you for verifying your email address.")

MULTIMAIL_EMAIL_VERIFICATION_URL **(See note below) Default: 'http://%(current_site_domain)s/mail/verify/%(emailaddress_id)s/%(verif_key)s'

Notes: if you change this URL and/or the URL configuration for calling
       the Verify view, you need to be sure that you are passing the
       emailaddress id, and the verification key into the view call.

       Current site domain is generally acquired from the Sites
       configuration, but can be overridden by setting BOTH the

MULTIMAIL_INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE Default: _("The account associated with this email address has been marked as inactive. Please contact the site administrator.")

MULTIMAIL_INVALID_VERIFICATION_LINK_MESSAGE Default: _("The seleted email verification link is invalid. Please re-register your email address.")


MULTIMAIL_USE_MESSAGES Default: False. Set to True to enable messages using Django's messages framework.

MULTIMAIL_VERIFICATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT **(See note below) Default: _('Verfication required')

MULTIMAIL_VERIFICATION_EMAIL_HTML_TEMPLATE Default: 'multimail/verification_email.html'

MULTIMAIL_VERIFICATION_EMAIL_TEXT_TEMPLATE Default: 'multimail/verification_email.txt'

**NOTE: properties marked with ** receive a context dictionary for string templating. The default values do not take advantage of this, preferring static strings in order to take advantage of translation capabilities. The following keys are passed to these strings: current_site_domain current_site_id current_site_name emailaddress_id email (the email on the current multimail email object) first_name last_name primary_email (the email on the user object) user_id username verif_key verify_link

Note that MULTIMAIL_EMAIL_VERIFICATION_URL does not get the verif_link key for security reasons.


MULTIMAIL_SEND_EMAIL_ON_USER_SAVE_SIGNAL Default: True. Affects the behavior of notifications when an email address is created as a result of a user save. Multimail ensures that there is a multimail version of the email on the user object (which is considered to be the primary email address for the user). If a user save results in the creation of a new EmailAddress object, the default behavior is to send a verification link for that new address. Set this to False to turn off that behavior.

MULTIMAIL_USER_DEACTIVATION_HANDLER_ON Default: False. The old default was to cleanup any lingering, unverified email addresses on user save. This can be a nuisance if your user objects are getting modified and saved before users have the opportunity to verify their email address. If you know for sure that you do not need to save users between the time it takes to send a verification link and the user clicking the link, then it is probably safe to set this to True for automated cleanup of lingering unverified emails. Otherwise, it is probably best to delete unverified emails manually.

I am open to suggestions as to how to better handle automated cleanup of
lingering unverified email addresses.

MULTIMAIL_EMAIL_ADMINS Default: True. Multimail may send notification emails to the site admin for some errors that occur. Set this to False to disable those emails.

MULTIMAIL_SITE_DOMAIN Default: None. Set to override the site domain for use in multimail templates and template strings. Requires both this and MULTIMAIL_SITE_NAME to be set to non-None values.

MULTIMAIL_SITE_NAME Default: None. Set to override the site name for use in multimail templates and template strings. Requires both this and MULTIMAIL_SITE_DOMAIN to be set to non-None values.

MULTIMAIL_SET_AS_PRIMARY_REDIRECT Default: 'profile'. Reverse name to redirect to after a call to the built-in set-as-primary view. Defaults to 'profile'. Currently does not handle passing of parameters -- if your user profiles require parameters (such as the username or user pk) then you will need to implement your own view for handling a set-as-primary request. For details, see multimail.views.set_as_primary in the source code.

MULTIMAIL_ALLOW_REMOVE_LAST_VERIFIED_EMAIL Default: False. Whether to allow the user to delete all verified emails.

MULTIMAIL_REMOVE_LAST_VERIFIED_EMAIL_ATTEMPT_MSG Default: "Cannot remove last verified email. Add another verified email address to remove the existing one." Message sent when user tries to delete the last verified email. Only if MULTIMAIL_ALLOW_REMOVE_LAST_VERIFIED_EMAIL is False.